Ontario Parent Survey
McMaster University’s Offord Centre for Child Studies is conducting a follow-up Ontario Parent Survey. The initial survey took place 3 months into the pandemic.
Both studies general themes focus on the well-being and health of children and parents/caregivers,
family stressors, family relations, and how COVID has had an impact on individuals and families.“This follow-up study will help inform community practice on how to assist families through these
very challenging times, now and in the future,” said lead researcher Andrea Gonzalez, Associate Professor and Tier II Canada Research Chair in Family Health and Preventive Interventions.. “Given the findings of this survey may be used to inform service provision and the development of family resources, it is important to hear from families that reflect the diverse range of races, ethnicities, socio-economic status, and family structures of which the province is composed.”
Please access the survey at: https://ontarioparentsurvey.ca
The survey takes approximately 20-30 minutes to complete.