Returning Student & Sibling Tuition Fees and Schedule

The tuition fees and schedule below are for current Lyonsgate students returning for the next school year, and for siblings of current students that are starting school.

After school care is available for Lyonsgate students at all levels. Space is limited and after school care is intended for families that require it for work related reasons and not for extra play or social time for students. Thank you.

After school care carries an additional monthly fee of $100/month, billed monthly. Registration for after school care is available in June for registered students.

Toddler After Care Casa After Care Elementary After Care
3:30-4:00 4:00-4:30 3:30-4:30


2025.2026 Toddler Tuition Fee and Schedule (Returning Students and Siblings)

Toddler Returning Tuition Fee Schedule 2025-2026

2025.2026 Casa Tuition Fee and Schedule (Returning Students and Siblings)

Casa Returning Tuition Fee Schedule 2025-2026

2025.2026 Elementary Tuition Fee and Schedule (Returning Students and Siblings)

Elementary Returning Tuition Fee Schedule 2025-2026