Lyonsgate Montessori Casa students enjoying the first dusting of snow to play with.

Lyonsgate Update January 20, 2025

Good Morning Lyonsgate Families,

We had some snow, finally, for your Lyonsgate Montessori kids to play with last week. It was great to finally be able to put the winter materials to use outside at the Primary campus, and there was a lot of shoveling and building during recess.

This Friday, Jan. 24, is a PD Day and both Lyonsgate campuses will be closed.

Free Piano: the Primary campus building has a piano that is free for the taking to anyone able to move it; please let us know if your family would like to own it:

Please click the links below for updates from your children’s levels and for recent photos at Lyonsgate:




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Lyonsgate Montessori students were very happy to have some snow to play with this past week.
Lyonsgate Montessori students were very happy to have some snow to play with this past week.

Hello Toddler Families,

Last week, we had some beautiful brightness in our classroom with our floral arrangement work; this activity is always a favourite! Filling up the water pitcher, slowly pouring the water into a chosen vase, picking the right size flower and, finally, the child finding just the right spot in the classroom to display the bouquet. This activity aids in the development of hand-eye coordination, refinement of fine motor skills, and logical sequencing. Flower arranging provides a sense of joy when taking care of and beautifying our environment. A pop of colour and fresh scent is always welcome during the winter months… a reminder of brighter, warmer days ahead!

Vanessa Findlay.

Click to view and/or sign up for Toddler flower contributions


Lyonsgate Montessori Casa student engaged in the Montessori Flower Arranging activity. Thank you for your flower donations.
Lyonsgate Montessori Casa student engaged in the Montessori Flower Arranging activity. Thank you for your flower donations.

The Casa students were very excited to see the snow last week and to finally be able to put their snowsuits to their intended use, rather than just staying warm (although that may be the priority this week!). Unfortunately, by the end of the week the snowsuits were also used to stay dry as the remaining snow turned to slush and puddles. We try to run as much wet stuff as we can through the dryer at the school in between outdoor periods. Please remember to label everything — hats, mitts & gloves, neckwarmers, boots, snowpants, and snowsuits.

Getting outside every day is an essential part of the school days at Lyonsgate. The fresh air, free play, and activity are great for all aspects of health, development, and learning. Even though we only had a dusting of snow by traditional Canadian standards, the amount of excitement and creativity from the children as they shoveled, imagined, and built was a joy to witness. We hope the temperature lets us back outside towards the end of this week, and we’ve all got our fingers crossed for more snow when we get there.

Click to book a parent observation in: Casa North | Casa South

Click to view and/or sign up for flower contributions in: Casa North | Casa South


Lyonsgate Montessori Elementary student labeling a diagram of a river as part of geography work.
Lyonsgate Montessori Elementary student labeling a diagram of a river as part of geography work.

The Elementary class was full of enthusiasm for math this week as students tackled operations, multiplication tables, rounding, square roots, and algebra! In history, some of the students were learning about the Viking voyages to the New World, while others were researching the cultural practices of the Mi’kmaq First Nation on the east coast. Many students were happy to continue their explorations in geography by hearing the “Story of the Elements,” labelling a diagram of a river, or learning about the lines of latitude and longitude. In French, some groups began preparing props and sets for their short, in-class plays, and rehearsing their lines with gusto. Despite the very chilly weather expected over the next few days, we wish you all a wonderful week ahead.

Marissa and Michelle.

(with photos by Harrison, Abby, and Marissa.)

P.E. at Elev8 Dance: Thursday, January 23

All elementary students will travel to Elev8 Dance during the afternoon work cycle for indoor P.E. Students are kindly reminded to wear their red Lyonsgate t-shirt for this outing.

P.D. Day: Friday, January 24

While the students enjoy an extra-long weekend, the Elementary team will be attending morning workshops on supporting diverse learners in Montessori classrooms, and working to prepare new materials for the children in the afternoon.

Community Outing: WEDNESDAY, February 5

Due to our P.E. schedule with Elev8 Dance through the month of January, the first upper Elementary community outing of the new year will take place on the morning of Wednesday, February 5. Students in years 4-6 will be traveling by public transit to visit the McMaster Museum of Art for a morning workshop.

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Lyonsgate Montessori Elementary student creating a Persian khatam as part his geography work.

Lyonsgate Update Jan. 13, 2025

Hello Lyonsgate Families,

Welcome to the winter term, and a serious blast of winter temperatures!

We have welcomed some new students to both of the Casa, and to the Toddler, classrooms to start the new year, and our Elementary students have begun their next winter phys. ed. experience at Elev8 Dance.

The winter term is a short term that leads into the March Break, and there are a few dates to be aware of:

  • Friday, January 24, is a PD Day and both Lyonsgate campuses will be closed.
  • Monday, February 17, is the Family Day statutory holiday and both Lyonsgate campuses will be closed.
  • Friday, February 28, is a PD Day and both Lyonsgate campuses will be closed.

Please click the links below for updates from your children’s levels and for recent photos at Lyonsgate:




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Lyonsgate Montessori Toddler students were excited to welcome new friends to their classroom and show them all of the activities this past week.
Lyonsgate Montessori Toddler students were excited to welcome new friends to their classroom and show them all of the activities this past week.

Hello Toddler Families,

The past week has been a busy one as we return to the familiar routine of school and friends. We have welcomed two new children to our classroom and with them many changes. Much like when a new sibling joins a family, there is a period of adjustment. Our new students require extra time and care as they explore their new environment, as they get to know everyone, and as we get to know them. In such a short time, we have already begun to see our second year students take on roles of leadership as they show empathy and kindness to our new students. We have seen smiles and waves as introductions have been made. We have seen an upset student receive a gentle back rub and a tissue given to a runny-nosed friend in need. We stand in awe of their capacity to learn and love, and look forward to a fantastic 2025 because of it!

Vanessa Findlay.

Click to view and/or sign up for Toddler flower contributions


Lyonsgate Montessori Casa student lacing, a fun fine motor skill development activity.
Lyonsgate Montessori Casa student lacing, a fun fine motor skill development activity.

We hope everyone had a great holiday and restful two weeks. It has been great to hear all the stories from your children of the fun things they did over the break. So many of the children have grown over the two weeks!

The children have seamlessly fallen back into our daily routines, busying themselves with their work and connecting again with their peers. As we start our winter term, we are looking forward to seeing your children grow and learn more throughout. A reminder to sign up to contribute to bringing in flowers for the classroom if you haven’t already. See the link below. Thank you.

The Casa team.

Click to book a parent observation in: Casa North | Casa South

Click to view and/or sign up for flower contributions in: Casa North | Casa South


Lyonsgate Montessori Elementary students at their new winter phys. ed. experience at Elev8 dance.
Lyonsgate Montessori Elementary students at their new winter phys. ed. experience at Elev8 dance.

The students had a great return to school last week, diving enthusiastically into familiar routines and new topics. In geometry, students worked to apply their knowledge of specific terms, following written directions to create radial symmetry in paper snowflakes or to construct an eight-pointed star for use in simple patterns or tessellations. Others returned to delightfully messy lessons in physical geography, using a large model to identify the parts of a river, and demonstrate how its flow carves through the land while carrying sediments. Despite the extremely cold weather, the students were excited to walk to Elev8 Dance for their first class of the month. They had a fabulous time working with Mr. Chris and Ms. Mara on fun and physical challenges of balance, rhythm, and form. From butterfly knees and tippy-toe runs to spotting when spinning and precise pliés, every movement led to big smiles and lots of laughter.

Wishing you all a lovely week ahead,

Marissa and Michelle.

(photographs by Abby, Harrison, and Marissa)

Thursday, January 16: P.E. at Elev8 Dance

All Elementary students will travel to Elev8 Dance, with the children breaking into two groups for their classes. Students are kindly reminded to include their red, Lyonsgate t-shirt as part of their clothing layers.

Friday, January 17: Scholastic Book Orders Due

Last week, your child brought home the most recent Scholastic book flyer, offering discounts on books for families and encouraging a love of reading. To have your books shipped for free to the school, please include the class code “RC 144312” (written on the front of each flyer) with your online order. If there are any surprise or gift items in your order you would like to be kept hidden from your child, please let us know and we’ll set it aside for you to pick up. With every order placed using our class code, we earn “bonus bucks” for the classroom that help replenish our art supplies and add new titles to our classroom library. Please submit your online order by Friday, January 17, to be included in our next shipment.

Friday, January 17: O.W.L. Workshop 4, Part 2

Students in Years 4–6 should prepare for the second part of the O.W.L. workshop on Changes of Puberty by completing the required readings listed at the bottom of HomeLink #3.

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Lyonsgate Montessori Toddler student enjoying the tunnel during indoor recess the past, rainy week.

Lyonsgate Update Dec. 16, 2024

Good Morning Lyonsgate Families,

We’re wishing you all a wonderful holiday season as we head into the winter break. This Thursday, Dec. 19, is the last day of school, and we return on Monday, January 6, 2025.

Registration for the 2025.2026 school year is due today. If you still need to submit registration for your returning Lyonsgate student or a sibling starting school, please see the email of this update for the link.

Thank you all for your very generous donations to our Elementary student’s toy drive for CityKidz. It absolutely fills our hearts to be able to help a number of children beyond the students you entrust to our care every day, and to show one of our students that their efforts to help make the world a little bit better can be successful.

Have a peaceful, restful, fun-filled holiday together.

Please click the links below for updates from your children’s levels and for recent photos at Lyonsgate:




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Toddler teamwork in action!
Toddler teamwork in action!

Hello again, Ms./Mme Craigie here,

It is hard to believe we are already at the end of the fall term and heading into winter break; time flies when you are having fun! I just wanted to let you know that we are still going strong with our French language development in the Toddler room and the children are still learning so much. We are continuing with all of our regular French songs and I have added one more holiday song that the children are absolutely loving, the song is called “Vive le Vent,” and it is sung to the tune of “Jingle Bells.” Each day we gather for our circle time after lunch and the children each get a jingle bell to ring while we gleefully sing. The joy they have while singing brings warmth to my heart every day. I will add the lyrics so hopefully you can sing with them during this holiday season and watch them light with pride.

My wish for all of you and your beautiful families is to have a very wonderful and relaxing time reflecting on the year and looking forward to the many new adventures in 2025.

French English
Vive le vent, vive le vent,
Vive le vent d’hiver,
Qui s’en va sifflant, soufflant
Dans les grands sapins verts, oh !
Long live the wind, long live the wind,
Long live the winter wind,
Which goes whistling, blowing
In the big green Christmas trees, oh!
Vive le temps, vive le temps,
Vive le temps d’hiver,
Boules de neige et Jour de l’An
Et Bonne Année grand-mère !
(Fin du refrain)
Long live the weather, long live the weather,
Long live the winter weather,
Snowballs and new year’s day
and happy new year Grandma!
(End of refrain)

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Lyonsgate Montessori Casa students working with their ever-growing number strips, upon which they write to increasingly higher numbers.
Lyonsgate Montessori Casa students working with their ever-growing number strips, upon which they write to increasingly higher numbers.

Season’s Greetings from Casa South,

Although the weather hasn’t been very wintery thus far, inside the classroom we’ve been busy getting into the happy spirit of the season making decorations, singing seasonal songs, and reading books about different ways people celebrate this time of year. There is a festive feeling in the air and many wishes for snow (from the children).

The children have had a good first term and are now well settled into the routine. This has led to some wonderful work and learning in all areas. We have a particularly social group who enjoy working with a partner or in small groups. These interactions provide opportunities for learning how to co-operate and collaborate with each other. It’s been lovely to observe the children become capable problem-solvers.

We have plans to focus on some of the children’s expressed interests in the new year, including outer space and working with different art media. It will be interesting to observe which activities appeal to each child and how creative they will be with the work. Children never cease to surprise us with their observations and questions, and their different ways of manipulating and creating with the materials. Life is never dull in Casa South!

We hope you enjoy the holidays, and all the children return healthy, rested, and ready for more exploration and discovery with us in January.

See you then!

Ms. Robinson.

Click to book a parent observation in: Casa North | Casa South

Click to view and/or sign up for flower contributions in: Casa North | Casa South


We're very proud of our Lyonsgate Montessori Elementary student for arranging this year's successful toy drive.
We’re very proud of our Lyonsgate Montessori Elementary student for arranging this year’s successful toy drive.

Thursday, December 19: Class Party and Pizza Lunch

To celebrate the start of the winter break, the Elementary students will enjoy a class party in the morning with crafting, games, and the choice to watch a short movie, along with some treats prepared by the children at school earlier in the week. After outdoor time, the children will return to a hot pizza lunch from Domino’s. Please help your child to remember to still bring their water bottle to school for snack, outdoor time, and community lunch.

Weekly Update

As we head into the final days of the first term, we are full of gratitude for this wonderful place where the children can grow, explore, and learn together with laughter and joy. Over the past few months, it has been a privilege to watch the children delight in new discoveries, muster the courage to try hard things, and proudly share achievements with their friends. We want to thank all of the elementary students for sharing the best of themselves with our classroom community each day at school, as well as all the elementary families for supporting the children in their endeavors. Over the past three months, our senior students worked hard at various outreach projects, and with the incredible generosity of the whole Lyonsgate community were successful in raising more than $600 for charity as well as collecting scores of toys for donation. Thank you!

Over the last few days of school before the winter break, the children will be bringing home craft projects, completed, and possibly a lot of plasticine… Keep an eye out for a large envelope accompanying your child home, and look inside for an end-of-term reflection. We wish you all a wonderful winter break and a very happy new year ahead.

Marissa, Michelle, Danielle, Kim, and Michelle.

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Lyonsgate Montessori Casa students receiving a presentation on collective addition.

Lyonsgate Update Dec. 9, 2024

Good Morning Lyonsgate Families,

Thank you for submitting your registrations for the 2025.2026 school year. If you still need to submit a registration, please do so by Monday, December 16.

This registration period is for current Lyonsgate students returning for the 2025.2026 school year, any siblings those students may have that are starting school next year, and for families that have previously indicated their intention to register for the 2025.2026 school year.

When completing your registration form, please ensure that auto-fill is not entering incorrect information in any fields, and that there are no errors in your email address.

We ask for new, complete registration forms each year to ensure we have correct, up to date information for all students as required by our systems, the Ministry of Education, and Hamilton Public Health. Please do not enter “same as last year” (or similar) in response to any questions. Thank you.

Please see the email version of this update for the link to the 2025.2026 Lyonsgate registration form.

Please click the links below for updates from your children’s levels and for recent photos at Lyonsgate:




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Lyonsgate Montessori Toddler student exhibiting impressive concentration while working to stack the blocks.
Lyonsgate Montessori Toddler student exhibiting impressive concentration while working to stack the blocks.

Hello Toddler Families,

Thank you for your donations to our outdoor kitchen. We continue to hope for pots and pans, cookie sheets, and muffin tins. We’ll be cooking up an outside snow storm of recipes soon!

The toddler energy is high in the classroom as we hear of wagon rides, beautiful trees, and visits to see a certain special person all in red. We can only imagine all of the special moments and memories that will be made over the next few weeks, and we can’t wait to hear all about them.

Our CityKidz toy drive is filling up! If you are able, you may bring in a toy to support a child in our community.

Thank you,

Vanessa Findlay.

Click to view and/or sign up for Toddler flower contributions


Lyonsgate Montessori Casa student working on a seasonal craft (that mirrors the bead threading fine motor development activity).
Lyonsgate Montessori Casa student working on a seasonal craft (that mirrors the bead threading fine motor development activity).

Happy December!

As winter settles in with its colder, wetter, and windier days, we want to share a little insight into the process of getting 23 children ready for the outdoors. It’s essential to approach this with patience, a sense of humour, and a calming presence. For some children, the transition from classroom to outside can feel overwhelming. To help ease this shift, we use gentle cues like “just five more minutes” or waiting for the first group to leave. This gives them a moment to mentally prepare for the next steps ahead.

When it’s time to enter the cloakroom, the children remove their indoor shoes and find their spot on the bench. We guide them through the process, starting with their snow pants, then their boots, and finally their jackets. By allowing them to keep their hands free first, they can practice zipping up their jackets. If they encounter any difficulty with the zipper, we encourage them to “park their car” — a little trick where they align the zipper pieces patiently. We are always there to lend a helping hand by getting the zipper started, empowering them to do the rest.

Their journey is completed with their hats and, finally, their mittens. We’ve discovered that this thoughtful order allows the children to feel a sense of accomplishment, minimizing any stress they might feel. We warmly invite you to ask your children to demonstrate this routine for you. They truly enjoy showcasing their skills, and it’s guaranteed to bring a big smile to their faces as they get the chance to be your little teacher.

Thank you,

Ms. Canessa.

Click to book a parent observation in: Casa North | Casa South

Click to view and/or sign up for flower contributions in: Casa North | Casa South


Lyonsgate Montessori Elementary student traversing the catwalk at Adventureworks.
Lyonsgate Montessori Elementary student traversing the catwalk at Adventureworks.

Weekly Update

The month of December has brought with it a flurry of activity in the Elementary environment! Last week, the classroom was bursting with singing, set painting, and costume design as the students prepared for the filming of their class adaptation of The Balloon Tree, by Phoebe Gilman. The children are eager to share the filmed performance with their families at home over the winter break. The class also enjoyed our annual tradition of having a cup of hot chocolate together to celebrate the first snow of the season to stay on the ground. Our senior students braved the change in weather and conquered the high ropes course at Adventureworks, scaling trees and walking on tightropes and wooden catwalks between the swaying pine trees. We look forward to lots more learning and fun leading up to the winter break!

Marissa and Michelle.

Monday, November 25 – Wednesday, December 11 AM: Toy Drive for CityKidz

I’m doing a toy drive. Plese donate to CityKidz a new toy for kids 9 and up. You have until Dec 11. I recommend Lego Friends or Ninjago, bedroom decorations, squishmallows and sport balls.

– Pippa

Pippa is emphasizing donations of toys for older children, ages 9-12, as there are often fewer donations for this age group, but toys for any age are welcome. You can also check out the top toy list from CityKidz. Toys donated at both campuses will be delivered to CityKidz on the afternoon of Wed. Dec. 11. Thank you!

Thursday, December 12: Upper Elementary Outing

Students in years 4-6 will practice traveling by public bus up the mountain during the afternoon work cycle, to Sam Lawrence Park, to explore its trails and take in a view of the city. For this trip, students in Year 3 of Elementary have the option to join the group as well! Students should bring their red Lyongate t-shirt, their Presto card or $3.50 cash bus fare, a water bottle, and are welcome to bring an additional nut-free snack to enjoy along the way.

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Lyonsgate Montessori Casa student engaged in a Montessori pouring activity to develop focus and concentration, and fine motor skills.

Lyonsgate Update Dec. 2, 2024

Good Morning Lyonsgate Families,

As we enter December we have three weeks remaining in the fall term. The last day of classes before the winter break is Dec. 19 and we return in the new year on Jan. 6, 2025. As this term draws to a close, we begin to look ahead to not only the new year but the new school year to come.

Registration for the 2025.2026 school year opens this week. Please check your inbox for an email with the 2025.2026 school year registration form link and tuition schedules. This registration period is for current Lyonsgate Montessori School students returning next school year, and for any siblings of current students that may be starting school in September 2025.

If you have any questions about registration, please don’t hesitate to ask.

The deadline for submission of 2025.2026 registration forms is Monday, Dec. 16.

Thank you.

Toy Drive: Both the Lyonsgate Primary and Elementary campuses are holding a toy drive for CityKidz until Dec. 11. The Drive has been arranged by one of our senior Elementary students. Families are invited to donate new, unwrapped toys for elementary-age children for distribution through CityKidz. Donations of toys for older children, ages 10-12, are encouraged as there are often fewer donations for this age group. Sports balls, bedroom decor, Squishmallows, or Lego are recommended by our Elementary student, and you can also download the top toy list from CityKidz. Thank you.

Primary Scholastic: Casa and Toddler parents, if you would like to order any Scholastic items before the holidays, please do so online no later than Wednesday, Dec. 11. Items ordered by that date should arrive before the holiday break. Also, if an ordered item is a gift, please let us know so we can get it you on the sly.

Please click the links below for updates from your children’s levels and for recent photos at Lyonsgate:




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Lyonsgate Montessori Toddler student exhibiting the joy to be found in banging on a drum.
Lyonsgate Montessori Toddler student exhibiting the joy to be found in banging on a drum.

Hello Toddler Families and Welcome December!

We are excited to announce that this winter we will be having a snow kitchen outside! We hope to be making lots of snow soup, snow cupcakes, and maybe even some snow pasta. We are asking for your support with this new adventure by donating any old pots or pans, muffin tins, mixing bowls, wooden/stainless/plastic spoons or spatulas that you are no longer using. Please let us know if you have any other kitchen items to share, we can’t wait to start cooking and baking!

The toddlers are working hard right now putting on new winter boots and big fluffy coats. When putting on their coat they can “do the flip,” put the hood (the jacket facing up and open) by your child’s feet, have them put their arms into the sleeves and then flip the coat up and over their head. Thank you for taking the time to work with your toddler on these skills!

Vanessa Findlay.

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Lyonsgate Montessori Casa students enjoying a chilly Canadian fall recess together.
Lyonsgate Montessori Casa students enjoying a chilly Canadian fall recess together.

The Casa students are excited and ready for winter. We are starting to see new coats, boots, some snowpants and snowsuits (even a dusting of snow!), and lots of hats, gloves, and mittens. Please remember to label everything! A few tips for winter gear:

  • Practice at home can go a long way to supporting independence and confidence at school when putting on and taking off winter gear (they of course have grownups and peers to help at school as needed).
  • Once the snow is on the ground, please avoid cloth or knit mitts and gloves. These become soaking wet with freezing cold water within minutes of playing in the snow.
  • Backpack straps can be loosened a little to make it easier to get them on and off over bulkier coats.
  • It can be difficult, we know, but if you can find gloves or mittens that still allow your child to grasp and hold things, their winter playground experience will be much more fulsome and less frustrating.

As we all know, children can sometimes be resistant to wearing winter clothing. We will always tell them that if mom and dad sent it to school to keep them warm, they are to wear it outside (if they are legitimately hot, depending on the weather, we can unzip a coat or remove a hat).

Thank you.

Click to book a parent observation in: Casa North | Casa South

Click to view and/or sign up for flower contributions in: Casa North | Casa South


Lyonsgate Montessori Elementary student engaged in some peaceful knitting.
Lyonsgate Montessori Elementary student engaged in some peaceful knitting.

Photos by Theo

Monday, November 25-Wednesday, December 11: Toy Drive for CityKidz

I’m doing a toy driv. Plese donate to CityKidz a new toy for kids 9 and up. You have until Dec 11. I recommend Lego Frends or Ninjago, bedroom decorations, squishmallows and sport bolls.

– Pippa

Pippa is emphasizing donations of toys for older children ages 9-12, as there are often fewer donations for this age group, but toys for any age are welcome. You can also check out the top toy list from CityKidz. Thank you!

Monday, December 2: Elementary Open House

Please join us in the classroom this afternoon for our first open house of the year! Family members are welcome to arrive at the Elementary campus anytime between 3:15-4:15 to see displays of the children’s work from the first term. When arriving, please come to the lower cloakroom door, where you can stow your coats and bags before coming up into the classroom. You are also invited to visit the baked goods and hot drink sale on the front porch, hosted by Josephine and Hannah, who are fundraising for Plan International to sponsor girls to go to school.

Thursday, December 5: Rock-Climbing for Years 3-6

Students in Years 3-6 will have two sessions of rock-climbing experience at Gravity Climbing Gym, beginning on Thursday, December 5. Participating students must have an online waiver completed to boulder or climb in harness. Students should arrive prepared at school wearing their red Lyonsgate shirt and comfortable pants for climbing. The group will be departing campus at 8:50 a.m. and walking to the climbing gym on Frid Street. Presto cards or bus fare are not needed for this outing.

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Lyonsgate Montessori Elementary student using the Montessori Stamp Game material to tackle a division question with lots of exchanging.

Lyonsgate Update Nov. 25, 2024

Good Morning Lyonsgate Parents,

There are two Parent Education events taking place this week on Thursday, Nov. 28, both from 3:30-4:15:

  • Primary Campus for Casa and Toddler Parents: At the Primary (Aberdeen) campus, Lyonsgate principal, Rachel Lyons, will be presenting “The Beauty of the Three Year Casa Cycle”:
    • We invite all Toddler and Casa families to attend a Parent Education event on Thursday, November 28, from 3:30-4:15 p.m. hosted by Lyonsgate principal, Rachel Lyons. We will dive into the importance of a full three (or four, depending on your child’s date of birth)-year term in the Casa classroom, and the advantage of it for your child’s physical, emotional, social, and intellectual growth. Learn how we progress from pouring rice to reading and writing, and from washing a table to multiplication. Learn how the activities are interconnected, and how the child’s process of observation and practice leads to strong self-esteem. The full Casa cycle sets your child up for success in their future learning adventures, and we would love to share how. Please plan to join us! Click to RSVP to The Beauty of the Three Year Casa Cycle
  • Elementary Campus for Third-Year Casa Parents: At the Elementary (Locke St.) campus, Montessori guides Marissa and Michelle will present “A Typical Day in Elementary”:
    • Parents of graduating third-year Casa students are invited to the Elementary campus after-school for a practical overview of what a typical day looks like for first year students in Elementary, and to answer any questions you may have about our curriculum and Montessori principles in action. Parents of emerging elementary children may wish to attend this event in place of the Casa parent education topic The Three Years of Casa. The Elementary discussion will take place from 3:30-4:15 p.m., with child care available for attending families. Please use the link below to let us know you’re coming! Click to R.S.V.P. to A Typical Day in Elementary

Elementary Open House: On Monday, Dec. 2, the Elementary campus will be hosting an Open House for student family members. See the Elementary section for details, and please also note that families of students in their third year of the Casa program are welcome and encouraged to visit during this Elementary Open House event.

Casa Observations: The Casa classrooms will be open for parent observations on select days throughout the rest of the school year. Observations are for 20 minutes and take place during the morning work cycle. Please do not book more than one observation per term (ie. the current fall term, the winter term starting in January, and the spring term after March Break), and please note that available spots for the current term are limited. Prior to your observation, please read the “Observation Guidelines.”

Click here to book an observation.

Carrot Recall: You may have seen a recall of carrots on the news. Our caterer, Wholesome Kids, sent the following regarding the recall: “Wholesome Kids Catering does not use these brands, and our suppliers have informed us that this recall does not impact Wholesome Kids Catering. Currently, there are no safety concerns or recalls on our carrot brands.

Please click the links below for updates from your children’s levels and for recent photos at Lyonsgate:




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Lyonsgate Montessori Toddler student working with various fasteners and tools as a way to develop fine motor, and practical life, skills.
Lyonsgate Montessori Toddler student working with various fasteners and tools as a way to develop fine motor, and practical life, skills.

Good Morning Toddler Families,

We would like to thank everyone who came for Parent-Teacher conferences! It’s always a pleasure to have you come in.

How is it already our last week of November? The colder days are here and the snow will come soon. Please practise with your children putting snow suits/boots on and off themselves. As well as making sure everything is labeled!

Lately, inside the classroom children have enjoyed the gluing activity — crumpling and stretching tissue paper and then using a glue stick to stick it to paper, as well as preparing our face cloths for after lunch where the children fill a pitcher with water and soak the face cloths then, using their hands, ringing them out and laying them flat on a plate. This job in particular allows the children to be involved and be active participants in their classroom community.

Outside the children have really enjoyed using shovels to push leaves around which, will soon be snow!

As always we enjoy watching your children continue to grow and master their skills.

Ms. Relic.

Click to view and/or sign up for Toddler flower contributions


Lyonsgate Montessori Casa student practicing counting in French.
Lyonsgate Montessori Casa student practicing counting in French.

Bonjour Chers Parents,

During Parent-Teacher conferences , I’ve heard some parents say, “My child refuses to speak in French to me,” or “When I ask my child how do we say this in French, he/she says, ‘I don’t know’.” No panic, this is very normal. At this age, children do associate the language to a person, or to an environment  (the classroom) or activity.

The French assistant’s role is to speak only in French. It is important to be consistent, lots of repetitions for vocabulary building, and most of my words are accompanied by gestures so they can pick up the language faster. At first, my words are “blablabla” — they don’t mean anything to their brain — but my gestures do have a meaning. If every day they hear, “Lavez les mains s’il vous plaît,” + gestures of handwashing, this repetition is key to learning a new language. Then one day, those words start making sense for them; they have a meaning!

So, my students associate French to me because madame always speaks French to them. In lots of families, when there is another language spoken at home, children speak English at school and the other language at home (they associate the language to their parents/home). In Casa North, I have a few students that speak another language at home. If I ask them, “How do you say that in Spanish/or in German,” most of the time they will say, “I don’t know!” If I say things in Spanish, for example, they act confused because they are not used to hearing me speak that language.

Some of the French songs we’ve been singing recently include:

  • Tête, épaules, genoux, les pieds (head, shoulders, knees, and toes)
  • Abracadabra (a Halloween song)
  • Oh! Que j’ai faim.Oh! Que j’ai soif (learning hungry.thirsty words in French)

We have been enjoying these French books:

  • Il n’a pas de dragon dans cette histoire, by Lou Carter
  • Tellement sauvage, by Mireille Messier
  • Le Koala qui ne voulait pas, by Rachel Bright

We have also been practicing introducing ourselves in French (name, age, where they live), and asking others questions:

  • Je m’appelle __________, j’ai cinq ans, j’habite à Hamilton.
  • Quel est ton animal préféré? (What’s your favourite animal?)

Mme Murati.

Click to view and/or sign up for flower contributions in: Casa North | Casa South


Lyonsgate Montessori Elementary students enjoying a French lesson linking gestures with vocabulary.
Lyonsgate Montessori Elementary students enjoying a French lesson linking gestures with vocabulary.

Monday, November 25-Wednesday, December 11: Toy Drive for CityKidz

Pippa, one of our senior students, is hosting a holiday toy drive for children in our community! Families are invited to donate new, unwrapped toys for elementary-age children for distribution through CityKidz. Pippa would like to encourages donations of toys for older children ages 10-12, as there are often fewer donations for this age group. Pippa recommends sports balls, bedroom decor, Squishmallows, or Lego, and you can also download the top toy list from CityKidz. Pippa will be accepting donations at morning arrival from Monday, November 25, through Wednesday, December 11. Thank you!

Thursday, November 28: Upper Elementary Outing

Students in years 4-6 will practice traveling by public bus into Westdale Village during the afternoon work cycle for a late fall hike at Princess Point. Students should bring their red Lyongate t-shirt, their Presto card or bus fare, a water bottle, and are welcome to bring an additional nut-free snack to enjoy along the way. Students should be prepared to hike in any weather!

Monday, December 2: Elementary Open House

Please join us in the classroom on Monday, December 2, for our first open house of the year! Family members are welcome to arrive at the Elementary campus anytime between 3:15-4:15 to see displays of the children’s work from the first term. When arriving, please come to the lower cloakroom door, where you can stow your coats and bags before coming up into the classroom. You are also invited to visit the bake sale on the front porch hosted by Josephine and Hannah, who are fundraising for Plan International.

Thursday, December 5: Rock-Climbing for Years 3-6

We are fortunate to be surrounded by many opportunities for physical education, both outdoors and through other organizations in our community. Students in years 3-6 will have two sessions of rock-climbing experience at Gravity Climbing Gym, beginning on Thursday, December 5. Participating students must have an online waiver completed to boulder or climb in harness. Students should arrive prepared at school wearing their red Lyonsgate shirt and comfortable pants for climbing. The group will be departing campus at 8:50 a.m. and walking to the gym on Frid St. Presto cards or bus fare are not needed for this outing.

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Lyonsgate Montessori Toddler student learning a life skill and building hand strength by learning to wring out a cloth.

Lyonsgate Update Nov. 18, 2024

Good Morning Lyonsgate Families,

Parent-Teacher Conferences take place this week on Friday, Nov. 22 (there are some conference slots available after school earlier in the week for some classes). Both Lyonsgate campuses will be closed to students on Friday to accommodate the conferences. Childcare is available during your conference. If you still need to sign up for a conference: Please click here to sign up for your 20-minute Parent-Teacher conference.

Upcoming Parent Education Events: On Thursday, Nov. 28, there will be two Parent Education events taking place from 3:30-4:15.

  • Primary Campus for Casa and Toddler Parents: At the Primary (Aberdeen) campus, Lyonsgate principal, Rachel Lyons, will be presenting “The Beauty of the Three Year Casa Cycle”:
    • We invite all Toddler and Casa families to attend a Parent Education event on Thursday, November 28, from 3:30-4:15 p.m. hosted by Lyonsgate principal, Rachel Lyons. We will dive into the importance of a full three (or four, depending on your child’s date of birth)-year term in the Casa classroom, and the advantage of it for your child’s physical, emotional, social, and intellectual growth. Learn how we progress from pouring rice to reading and writing, and from washing a table to multiplication. Learn how the activities are interconnected, and how the child’s process of observation and practice leads to strong self-esteem. The full Casa cycle sets your child up for success in their future learning adventures, and we would love to share how. Please plan to join us! Click to RSVP to The Beauty of the Three Year Casa Cycle
  • Elementary Campus for Third-Year Casa Parents: At the Elementary (Locke St.) campus, Montessori guides Marissa and Michelle will present “A Typical Day in Elementary”:
    • Parents of graduating third-year Casa students are invited to the Elementary campus after-school for a practical overview of what a typical day looks like for first year students in Elementary, and to answer any questions you may have about our curriculum and Montessori principles in action. Parents of emerging elementary children may wish to attend this event in place of the Casa parent education topic The Three Years of Casa. The Elementary discussion will take place from 3:30-4:15 p.m., with child care available for attending families. Please use the link below to let us know you’re coming! Click to R.S.V.P. to A Typical Day in Elementary

Please click the links below for updates from your children’s Montessori levels, and for photos of the past week at Lyonsgate (Elementary parents, there is a waiver link for rock climbing):




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Lyonsgate Montessori Toddler student debating the need to wash one's hands after working with the insides of a pumpkin.
Lyonsgate Montessori Toddler student debating the need to wash one’s hands after working with the insides of a pumpkin.

Hey Toddler Families!

The colder weather is coming more and more everyday and we want to thank you for making sure your little ones are bundled up to keep them warm! With this, we also thank you for making sure all of their clothing is labelled so what is theirs goes home with them!

With these extra layers, we have had a great opportunity to work with your children to practice taking off their jackets, boots, hats, and gloves on their own with little support, and they are continuing to be great at it and getting better everyday!

In our classroom, the children are revisiting activities and materials and mastering them as we go along. We are also seeing the children build stronger bonds with each other and we are seeing them communicate with each other, and with us, more and more everyday!

This past week we had our Show and Share on campus and we hope we were able to give you an insight into what your child gets to experience through their day here with us, and we look forward to building relationships, skills, knowledge, and memories along the way!

Mr. Ardrey.


The Pink Tower, Brown Stairs, and Red Rods are some of the first Montessori materials presented in Casa. These older Casa students are demonstrating how the materials can be used for later extension work.
The Pink Tower, Brown Stairs, and Red Rods are some of the first Montessori materials presented in Casa. These older Casa students are demonstrating how the materials can be used for later extension work.

Good Morning Casa Families,

Greetings, I am Ms. Houston, the new English Assistant in Casa South. Over the past month I have enjoyed getting to know the children. They have all been very welcoming and I feel like I learn so much from them everyday. It has been exciting to be in the classroom and watch each of the children discover new and exciting challenges.

Last week was Show and Share and we loved having our parents come and see what the children are learning. They were truly excited to show off all the amazing things they are accomplishing. The children are never more filled with pride and joy than when they can show another person a skill they have learned.

With the weather always changing and the colder days ahead of us, please be sure to send your child with warm clothing such as jackets, hats, and mittens.

As always, thank you for your continued support, we appreciate it very much.

Wishing each family a wonderful week.

Ms. Houston.


Lyonsgate Montessori Elementary students settling in for the "Emotions in Concert" Brott Education concert last week.
Lyonsgate Montessori Elementary students settling in for the “Emotions in Concert” Brott Education concert last week.

The Elementary classroom was alive with the sound of music last week! As the students prepared to attend a performance by the National Academy Orchestra of Canada, they learned about different families of instruments, listened to famous classical pieces, and talked about tempo, key, accents, and even ostinatos.

Of course, another highlight of the week was the bake sale raising funds for Ronald McDonald House. While these events are fun, community-building activities for the children, they also serve a greater purpose in our Montessori environment. They have to recognize a need in their community and find a way to use their skills in service. Students have the opportunity to practice collaborative planning and to solve problems as they arise. When a few members of the outreach team were not able to continue preparing for the bake sale last week, the remaining child persevered with the support of their peers. More than a dozen students eagerly rallied to help their classmate by offering to assist with planning, baking, dishwashing, setting up, serving, and making change. Thanks to the loving support of many, the work was completed and the sale was a great success, raising $114 in support of Ronald McDonald House.

We look forward to sharing more about your children’s work at our conferences this week!

Marissa and Michelle.
(photos by Zalia)

Friday, November 22: P.A. Day/Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parents are reminded to sign up online for your fall parent-teacher conference this week. While it is a P.A. day for students, parents are welcome to bring students along for childcare during their conference. We look forward to seeing you all soon!

Thursday, November 28: Upper Elementary Outing

Students in years 4-6 will practice traveling by public bus into Westdale Village during the afternoon work cycle for a late fall hike at Princess Point. Students should bring their red Lyonsgate t-shirt, their Presto card or bus fare, a water bottle, and are welcome to bring an additional nut-free snack to enjoy along the way. Students should be prepared to hike in any weather!

Monday, December 2: Elementary Open House

Please join us in the classroom on Monday, December 2, for our first open house of the year! Family members are welcome to arrive at the Elementary campus anytime between 3:15-4:15 to see displays of the children’s work from the first term. When arriving, please come to the lower cloakroom door where you can stow your coats and bags before coming up into the classroom. You are also invited to visit the bake sale on the front porch hosted by Josephine and Hannah, who are fundraising for Plan International.

Families of students in their third year of the Casa program are welcome and encouraged to visit during this Elementary Open House event.

Gravity Waiver

Elementary students will be rock climbing weekly at Gravity Climbing Gym starting on Dec. 5. From Gravity: “Each climber will need a completed Gravity Climbing Gym Release Form. For participants under the age of 18, the release must be signed by their own parent or court appointed legal guardian. Participants who have attended events within the last 2 years at Gravity may already have a waiver on file but we recommend they call us to confirm. The form can be completed online at the following address:

“When completed, parents will receive a pdf copy of the signed form. Please print this pdf and send it in with your child by Monday, Dec. 2.

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Lyonsgate Update Nov. 11, 2024

Good Remembrance Day Morning Lyonsgate Families,

Education for peace is a central tenet of Maria Montessori’s teaching philosophy and method. Thank you for choosing a Montessori education for your children as we look forward today to a more peaceful world.

Show & Share: The Casa and Toddler students are excited to welcome you into their classrooms this week to show you some of their Montessori materials and to share some their favourite work with you. If you still need to sign up for a Show & Share visit at the end of your child’s school day, please click here to do so.

Parent-Teacher Conferences: Following Show & Share for Casa and Toddler students, and observations at the Elementary campus, parents will have a chance to sit down with your children’s Montessori guides at Parent-Teacher conferences. Both Lyonsgate campuses will be closed on Friday, Nov. 22, to accommodate the conferences; childcare will be available at your child’s Lyonsgate campus during your conference timeslot. Please click here to sign up for your 20-minute Parent-Teacher conference.

Casa In-Class Observations: This week, we will be opening up the classrooms for in-class observations for parents of Casa students. Observations are for 20 minutes during the morning Montessori work cycle. Observations will be open for the rest of the school year and sign-up will be emailed separately at the end of this week, along with the “Observation Guidelines” to help you have the best observation experience (guidelines are also attached to the email version of this update). Please feel free to sign up for one observation during each term — the current fall term, the winter term, and the spring term after March Break.

Please click the links below for updates from your children’s Montessori levels, and for a gallery of photos from the last week at Lyonsgate:




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Lyonsgate Montessori Toddler student successfully naming all of the fruits, en Francais!
Lyonsgate Montessori Toddler student successfully naming all of the fruits, en Francais!

Hello Toddler Families,

Ms/Mme.Craigie here to give you a little update about all the beautiful French your children have been working on so far this school year. As some of you may already know, I have been worked in the Toddler room for quite some time and in the last few years have also been helping them with their French language acquisition. With some background in speaking French coming from my time growing up in Ottawa and being immersed in the language, I feel lucky to continue being able to speak it. So far this year our main focus has been singing songs during our group gatherings which take place after lunch and just before nap. Our songs include:

“Frère Jacques” (are you sleeping?)
“Tete Épaules” (head and shoulders)
“Petit Poison” (which the children love saying OH NON!)

And our autumn song sung to the tune of Frère Jacques which is:
Les feuilles tombent
Les feuilles tombent
C’est l’automne!
C’est l’automne!
Rouge, orange et jaune
Rouge. orange et jaune
C’est l’automne
C’est l’automne

I have also recently introduced simple fruits and vegetables, and colours, into our lovely circle time. I sincerely have gotten a great joy getting to know all of your children and I look forward to continuing working with them, en français!

Mme Craigie.
French language teacher and Learning Resource Specialist.


Lyonsgate Montessori Casa students showing us the pure childhood joy to be found on a warm fall day.
Lyonsgate Montessori Casa students showing us the pure childhood joy to be found on a warm fall day.

A chill is in the air, and you know what that means — winter is just around the corner! As we welcome the cooler mornings and unpredictable afternoons of this transition month, it’s the perfect time for our little ones to start getting ready for winter gear like hats, mittens, snowsuits, neck warmers, sweatshirts, and those cozy winter boots! In our Casa environment, we love giving kids the chance to practice dressing themselves. Nothing lights up a room quite like a child beaming with pride, declaring, “I did it!” Our first-year kiddos are doing a fantastic job learning how to manage zippers, and they’re even asking for help when they need it — that’s a big step! Meanwhile, our third-years are showing off their grace and courtesy by lending a hand to their younger friends. It’s so heartwarming to see the joy on their faces as they teach others!

These important skills don’t just stay at school; they can easily find their way home, too! When you’re out shopping for winter gear, try picking out boots that your child can slip on by themselves, jackets with nice big zippers that are easy to use, and mittens that keep those little hands warm, dry, and toasty. I personally prefer mittens over gloves because they keep fingers toasty and make it easier for little ones — there’s less fuss with ten fingers to manage!

I really hope your home is filled with cheers of accomplishment and growing confidence as your children become more independent. Remember, Montessori education is about nurturing that independence and helping children become capable, confident, and caring individuals.

Ms. Canessa.


Lyonsgate Montessori Elementary student working on adapting a story from a book into a script for a play.
Lyonsgate Montessori Elementary student working on adapting a story from a book into a script for a play.

Thursday, November 14 AM: Brott Education Concert

During the morning work cycle, we will have the pleasure of attending the annual Brott Education Concert! All elementary students will travel by chartered school bus to and from the First Ontario Concert Hall to enjoy musical performances from the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra and Hamilton Children’s Choir, along with lots of opportunities for audience participation. All elementary students should arrive wearing their red Lyonsgate shirts to attend the performance.

Thursday, November 14 PM: Elementary Student Charity Bake Sale

On Thursday, November 14, from 3:00–4:00, there will be a bake sale supporting Ronald McDonald House Charity, at Lyonsgate. Ronald McDonald House Charity gives family’s a place to stay when their children are living at Sick Kids Hospital. If your child has ever been sick, you would know that you feel a need to stay right there, next to them. Please come to this bake sale to help support this amazing charity.

– Abby, Lellie, and Pippa.

Friday, November 15: Scholastic Orders Due

Your child recently brought home a Scholastic book flyer, offering discounts on books for families and encouraging a love of reading. To have your books shipped for free to the school, please include the class code RC 144312 (written on the front of each flyer) with your online order. If there are any surprise or gift items in your order you would like to be kept hidden from your child, please let us know and we’ll set it aside for you to pick up. With every order placed using our class code, we earn “bonus bucks” for the classroom!

If you would like to be included in our November shipment, please place your family’s online order by Friday, November 15.

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Lyonsgate Montessori Casa student receiving a presentation on how to fold an apron to return an activity to the shelf ready for the next person to use.

Lyonsgate Update Nov. 4, 2024

Hello Lyonsgate Families,

  • Parent Education: This Thursday, Nov. 7, is a Parent Education event open to all Lyonsgate families and that will cover Maria Montessori’s Second Plane of Development (the Elementary years). See the Elementary and Casa sections below for details and to RSVP.
  • Show & Share: Next week is Show & Share for Casa and Toddler parents. Parents are invited into their Toddler and/or Casa children’s classrooms at the end of the school day, from 3:30-4:00, so that your children can show you some of their favourite Montessori materials and work. Please click here to select a Show & Share visit day.
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences: Parent-Teacher conferences will take place on Friday, Nov. 22. Both Lyonsgate campuses will be closed to students that day to accommodate the conferences, but childcare will be available during your 20-minute conference timeslot. Sign up Parent-Teacher conferences will be available next week.
  • Fall/Winter Menu: The new Fall/Winter menu for hot lunches at the Primary campus came into effect last week. You can always view the menu under your “Parents” tab at, and you can see which week of the menu we are on by checking your Lyonsgate calendar.

Please click the links below for updates from your children’s Montessori levels, and a gallery of photos from the last week.




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Lyonsgate Montessori Toddler student helping to care for the classroom environment, and learning a valuable practical life skill.
Lyonsgate Montessori Toddler student helping to care for the classroom environment, and learning a valuable practical life skill.

Hello Toddler Families,

With the weather transitioning to more rainy, cool days, we are starting to see thick coats, rain boots, hats, and sometimes even mittens. We thank you in advance for making sure that everything is labelled! A great activity to start practising with your child is putting on/taking off their snow pants. Snow will be here before you know it and the motion of pushing down/pulling up snow pants mimics that of pushing down/pulling up your pants in the bathroom …so this activity does double duty!

In the classroom, we are seeing children revisiting materials and activities that they have been introduced to. One of their favourite activities is using the broom and mop. Ever observant, if a teacher is cleaning up, a child will grab a broom to help. Most recently children have been recognizing when the floor is wet and will get a mop to clean it up. These jobs are purposeful, help build muscle strength and coordination, and more importantly help the child feel that they belong to and can be active participants in their classroom community.

Vanessa Findlay.


Lyonsgate Montessori Casa student celebrating his birthday by making trips around the sun.
Lyonsgate Montessori Casa student celebrating his birthday by making trips around the sun.

Greetings from Casa,

Along with the time change we can expect the weather to shift from autumn temperatures to an early winter chill. This of course means added layers of clothing: neck warmers, heavier jackets, hats, mittens, boots, and eventually snowpants. We ask that children wear neck warmers rather than scarves for safety reasons and mittens rather than gloves as they keep little fingers warmer, especially when having fun with snow. Water resistant mittens are best; thin fabric mittens quickly become soaked and uncomfortably wet and cold.

Labelling every item of clothing (both outdoor and indoor) provides the best chance that your child will go home with everything they wear to school. Items that can’t be easily identified go into our lost and found basket where you may look for missing mittens, etcetera.

Children really enjoy spending time outside during winter when they are well-prepared; time will tell when and how much snow will fall during these next few (long) months.


The Casa Team.

Thursday, November 7: Parent Education Event at the Elementary Campus: Your Emerging Elementary Child 3:30-4:15 p.m.

Casa parents are invited to join Elementary guides Marissa and Michelle for a parent education event dedicated to exploring the transition from Casa to Elementary, and focusing on the theme of self-construction. This stage marks a pivotal moment in your child’s development, where they begin to take greater ownership of their learning and identity. We will discuss how families can understand, celebrate, and support the coming changes in personality, communication, and independence as each child follows their own path through the second stage of childhood, regardless of where they go to school. This parent education event is open to all Casa parents who want to learn more about what to expect next! Casa students are welcome to stay for child care at the Primary Campus during the event. Please RSVP here with how many adults are planning to attend, and whether you require child care that day, by Tuesday, November 5.


Lyonsgate Montessori Elementary students' Rangoli art for Diwali.
Lyonsgate Montessori Elementary students’ Rangoli art for Diwali.

The Elementary class was full of energy last week as the children enjoyed a variety of activities to learn more about the history and celebration of both Halloween and Diwali. Teams of students enthusiastically carved pumpkins, went out on a Halloween decoration scavenger hunt in the neighbourhood, and worked together to make beautiful rangoli designs using dyed salts. We had a wonderful time getting our hands dirty, singing spooky songs, and learning more about the history of holidays celebrated in our community.

Marissa and Michelle.

Thursday, November 7: Parent Education Event: Your Emerging Elementary Child 3:30-4:15 p.m.

Join Marissa and Michelle for a parent education event dedicated to exploring the on-going transition of children through the Elementary program, and focusing on the theme of self-construction. This stage marks a pivotal moment in your child’s development, where they begin to take greater ownership of their learning and identity. We will discuss how families can understand, celebrate, and support the on-going changes in personality, communication, and independence as each child follows their own path through the second stage of childhood.

Please note, all Elementary students will be traveling to the HAAA that day at 3:20, ahead of the parent presentation. Elementary students whose families are attending the event will be included in the aftercare program (free of charge). These students will return to the Elementary campus by 4:30. All other students will be dismissed from the HAAA park between 3:30-3:45 p.m.

Please RSVP here with how many adults are planning to attend, and whether you require child care that day, by Tuesday, November 5.

Thursday, November 14 AM: Brott Education Concert

During the morning work cycle, we will have the pleasure of attending the annual Brott Education Concert! All Elementary students will travel by chartered school bus to and from the First Ontario Concert Hall to enjoy musical performances from the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra and Hamilton Children’s Choir, along with lots of opportunities for audience participation. All Elementary students should arrive wearing their red Lyonsgate shirts to attend the performance.

Thursday, November 14 PM: Save-the-Date! Elementary Student Charity Bake Sale

Senior students Abby, Lellie, and Pippa will be hosting a charity bake sale on campus after school. Check your email next week for more details from the kids!

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Lyonsgate Montessori Casa and Toddler students enjoyed a field trip to an area farm for some fun in the fall sun.

Lyonsgate Update Oct. 28, 2024

Good Morning Lyonsgate Families,

This Friday, November 1, is a PD Day and both Lyonsgate campuses will be closed.

Somewhat fortunately, this PD Day falls on the day after Halloween. As a reminder from your Parent Handbook: “We know that Halloween is a very exciting time for children. However, we ask that costumes and candy are not brought to school, and are saved for after-school fun with family and friends.” Thank you.

Elementary families: see the Elementary section to sign up for a learning resource conference with Kim on the PD Day, if you still need to do so.

All Lyonsgate families: We are hosting a Parent Education event for all Lyonsgate parents on Thursday, November 7, from 3:30-4:15 at the Elementary campus on Locke St. It will cover Maria Montessori’s Second Plane of Development (the Elementary years). See the Casa and Elementary sections for more details and to RSVP.

Casa and Toddler families: Show & Share is coming up during the week of November 11-15. Show & Share is an opportunity for your children to invite you into their Montessori environment and demonstrate some of their favourite Montessori materials, activities, and work. It takes place at the end of the school day and sign up will be available next week.

See below for updates from your children’s Montessori levels, and for photos from the past week at Lyonsgate.




Photo Gallery


Lyonsgate Montessori Toddler student developing motor skills, developing language of colours and shapes, and receiving an introduction to geometry.
Lyonsgate Montessori Toddler student developing motor skills, developing language of colours and shapes, and receiving an introduction to geometry.

Good Morning Toddler Families!

The last week in Toddler we have had a lot happening! Earlier in the week we had the fire alarm go off! It was a false alarm but the children were excellent in getting out safely, quickly, and practising saying here or raising their hand outside for attendance! After going back in the children were thrilled to see the fire truck parked outside! It was an unexpected surprise but the children, as incredible as they are, adapted and got right back into their routine.

Later, on Thursday, we had the amazing opportunity to go to Brantwood Farms. Thank you for making the time to come out and spend the morning with us. It was such a pleasure to spend that time with you. At first the children were a little unsure of seeing their teachers in a different environment, something they aren’t use to. As the morning went on and the excitement of all the activities were happening it was beautiful to see the children enjoying themselves and to be a part of that. The children got the pleasure of picking out some apples and pumpkins, they played in different areas of the farm, and got to see some animals! We even got to see Mr. Ardrey stop an escaping goat! We really cherish the community here at Lyonsgate, so thank you for the part you play as our amazing parents!

Ms. Relic


Lyonsgate Montessori Casa and Toddler students enjoyed a fall field trip to an area farm for fun with friends.
Lyonsgate Montessori Casa and Toddler students enjoyed a fall field trip to an area farm for fun with friends.

We had a wonderful trip to Brantwood Farms. There were so many things to do! We all had the pleasure of picking apples to eat, corn to make into popcorn, and picking a pumpkin. The children learned that the cobs of corn they picked can be popped into popcorn, but they must wait two months for it to dry out and then it can be popped in the microwave. They learned that first it needs to be peeled like a banana and then left to dry and should be ready around the holidays to be popped. The children played on the playground, walked through the corn maze where they saw a lot of familiar scarecrows painted as familiar characters, went on a tractor ride, spotted some “treechers” (tree creatures), and got to meet some farm animals. Most of the children didn’t go home with many apples as they were eating them throughout the field trip. It was delightful to see the children experience how these food items start out before landing on our dinner tables.

The Casa Team.

Thursday, November 7: Parent Education Event at the Elementary Campus: Your Emerging Elementary Child 3:30-4:15 p.m.

Casa parents are invited to join Elementary guides Marissa and Michelle for a parent education event dedicated to exploring the transition from Casa to Elementary, and focusing on the theme of self-construction. This stage marks a pivotal moment in your child’s development where they begin to take greater ownership of their learning and identity. We will discuss how families can understand, celebrate, and support the coming changes in personality, communication, and independence as each child follows their own path through the second stage of childhood, regardless of where they go to school. This parent education event is open to all Casa parents who want to learn more about what to expect next! Casa students are welcome to stay for child care at the Primary Campus during the event. Please RSVP here with how many adults are planning to attend, and whether you require child care that day, by Tuesday, November 5.


Lyonsgate Montessori Elementary students held a bake sale to raise funds for the Make-a-Wish Foundation.
Lyonsgate Montessori Elementary students held a bake sale to raise funds for the Make-a-Wish Foundation.

Last week, senior students Charlie, Theo, and Colin hosted a successful baked goods and art sale, raising more than $200 for the Make-a-Wish Foundation! Thank you to all the families who supported their cause, and all the Elementary children who brought big appetites and lots of coins to the sale, as well as all the families who funded their shopping trip. We look forward to more community outreach endeavours from our students in the coming months!

Marissa and Michelle.

Thursday, October 31: Halloween Scavenger Hunt

The whole class will head outdoors on Thursday afternoon for a Halloween decoration scavenger hunt in the neighbourhood. All students will need their red Lyonsgate t-shirt for this class outing. Students are cheerfully reminded to save their costumes for after school, and to consume their candy at home!

Friday, November 1: P.D. Day/LRS-Parent Conferences

While the campus will be closed to students, staff will be on-site refreshing the classroom and preparing lessons for the rest of the term. Parents of students who routinely work with our learning resource specialist, Kim, are invited to schedule a parent-teacher conference with her that day. Child care is available on campus during your conference for elementary students and siblings.

Please click here to sign-up for a conference with Kim

Thursday, November 7: Parent Education Event: Your Emerging Elementary Child 3:30-4:15 p.m.

Join Marissa and Michelle for a parent education event dedicated to exploring the on-going transition of children through the Elementary program, and focusing on the theme of self-construction. This stage marks a pivotal moment in your child’s development, where they begin to take greater ownership of their learning and identity. We will discuss how families can understand, celebrate, and support the on-going changes in personality, communication, and independence as each child follows their own path through the second stage of childhood.

Please note, all Elementary students will be traveling to the HAAA that day at 3:20, ahead of the parent presentation. Elementary students whose families are attending the event will be included in the aftercare program (free of charge). These students will return to the Elementary campus by 4:30. All other students will be dismissed from the HAAA park between 3:30-3:45 p.m.

Please RSVP here with how many adults are planning to attend, and whether you require child care that day, by Tuesday, November 5.

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