Hello Lyonsgate Families,
Now that March Break, early Easter, and the eclipse are behind us, we are back to regularly scheduled programming. You’ll be happy to know that there are no important dates to know for the next couple of weeks (and yes, stating that means something will probably come up).
The Spring/Summer lunch menu starts today for Casa and Toddler students. You can always find the lunch menu here: https://lyonsgate.ca/lyonsgate-lunch-menu/ and you can check which week we are on here: https://lyonsgate.ca/lyonsgate-calendar/
Please see below for updates from your children’s Montessori levels:

Hello Toddler Families,
Although holidays and celebrations and exciting celestial events can be exhilarating, routines provide predictability and stability for young children. Routines are inevitably altered or interrupted by fun things like a holiday or visits from relatives, or sometimes by not so fun things like an illness. All of these experiences offer a chance to build resilience and adaptability. Adaptability is one of the many superpowers of toddlers. They have been adapting to new environments and experiences since their birth not so long ago. Simultaneously, they have been gathering information about the world and trying to find their place and purpose in it.
Although they are capable of accepting and adapting to changes, it is important to remember that they are in a sensitive period for order. The past month with March Break followed by the Easter holidays, followed by the eclipse, has brought a lot of disruption to our routines in the toddler community. We have observed children reluctant during drop off in the morning and even at home time.
I am curious to know what the experience of the eclipse was like for the young children in our community. It is a special event, one that all of us in Hamilton will only experience once in our lifetime in this particular longitude and latitude. It caused some confusion and chaos to all of the lifeforms under the sun in our small part of the grid. Flowers close up, and animals and insects are tricked into thinking it is night. Some of our toddlers were aware of the eclipse. One child woke up from a nap and said, “Are you excited to see the moon pass in front of the sun?” This is the best way to approach it. Welcome new experiences and be open to new information. Leave the familiar routine for a moment and pause and celebrate this unique moment in time that we have together.
Here is a great song about the sun, which explains what it is made of and how all life on earth is because of the sun. “Without the sun, without a doubt there would be no you and me.”

“Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.” Winston Churchill.
It has been a very busy couple of weeks in Casa: March Break, a long weekend, solar eclipse, and the explosion of spring. The children have been excited to share stories of all their adventures and experiences.
Children are a marvel when you watch the inner resilience that they are born with. They don’t look through their lives with the lens of failure or success, but of one with enthusiasm and zest. They are just as excited to speak of things that didn’t go well as those that older students and adults deem as successes.
Maria Montessori saw this and prepared all her activities with a control of error. The children can explore and experience with the activities on their terms. The gift of the guide is to see that learning is happening and not to interrupt it. As they proceed through the planes of development, the children will learn. Our goal is to nurture their enthusiasm and in turn their resilience.
Academia is only one goal of a Montessorian, but the whole child’s cosmic learning and inner self is our enthusiasm.
Mc. Canessa.

Welcome back, Eva!
We are happy to welcome back Eva Sale Garcia, a student teacher who will be joining the class for the next two weeks as part of her A.M.I. teacher training in Colorado, U.S.A. Many of the children may remember Eva from her time observing our classroom last year, and will be receiving some of their lessons from her as she completes her teaching practicum.
Thursday, May 2 — Parent Education Event
Our next parent education event will be taking place after school on Thursday, May 2 from 3:30-4:15. Parents are invited to join Marissa and Michelle to learn more about our math curriculum through a series of lessons with the Montessori materials, as well as activities to help your child maintain their math skills over the summer break.
Please note, all Elementary students will be traveling to the HAAA at 3:20 that day ahead of the parent presentation.
Students whose families are attending the parent education event will be included in the aftercare program (with no charge). These students will return to the Elementary campus by 4:30. All other students will be dismissed from the HAAA park between 3:30-3:45 p.m.
Please email elementary@lyonsgate.ca with how many adults are planning to attend, and whether you require Elementary or Casa child care that day, by Tuesday, April 30.
Friday, June 14 to Saturday, June 15 — Elementary Senior Sleepover
In June, students in Years 3-6 have the option to join Marissa and Michelle on campus for a Friday night sleepover! This will celebrate our third year students’ transition from lower to upper elementary, and all the privileges and responsibilities that come with being a senior student. For those students who wish to attend the sleepover, we’ll be having a pizza dinner, followed by an evening of fun activities before settling into our sleeping bags for the night. We’ll enjoy a pancake breakfast on Saturday morning before heading home for the weekend. More details to come!
July 29-August 2 — Montessori Summer Fun Camp
Registration is now open for our Montessori Summer Fun Camp! Elementary students and Casa graduates are invited to join Marissa and Michelle for a week of classic camp fun with outdoor games, art projects, science demonstrations, and water play. Our activities will adapt to the interests and imaginations of our campers, and also include outings to the HAAA park playground and splash pad nearby. Full and half-day options are available. Follow the link below for more details and registration!
Montessori Summer Fun Camp — Details and Registration
from the Classroom Historians
“This week the uppers and lowers have been werking on their french playes, including making props. Some of the uppers have been practising and learning decimals and surfus area. Both uppers and lowers are werking on literature circles including no talking and city of ember.”
Theo and Brett.