Welcome to the 2024.2025 School Year at Lyonsgate

Hello Lyonsgate Montessori Families,

We’re very excited to welcome everyone back to school next week. Here are some things to know:

  • Staggered Start Dates:
    • All Lyonsgate Elementary students, and Casa & Toddler students returning to the same program as last year, start school on Wednesday, Sept. 4.
    • Lyonsgate students moving up to the Casa program from the Toddler program start school on Thursday, Sept. 5.
    • Siblings of existing Lyonsgate students that are starting in the Toddler program this year will visit for the morning on Thursday, Sept. 5, from 8:30-11:15. Siblings’ first full day is Friday, Sept. 6.
    • New Lyonsgate Casa & Toddler students received their staggered start date in their “Welcome to Lyonsgate Montessori” email. New Toddler students will have a morning visit before starting full time. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.
  • Family Park Party: In case you missed it on the school calendar, we will kick off the school year with a gathering at Dundas Driving Park on Tuesday, Sept. 3, from 11:00-2:00. This is a chance to reacquaint with classmates, meet new students and other parents, and to start off the year with a fun day where students can see staff and other students with the comfort and support of parents nearby. Elementary program staff will be hosting their orientation at 10:00 a.m. at the park.  Elementary parents are requested to meet there at that time. Pack a picnic lunch for your family (no potluck for this event), and things like a blanket, towels and bathing suits for the splashpad and wading pool, and park fun like soccer balls and frisbees are also good to pack.
  • Casa & Toddler Meet-the-Teacher: We are very excited to welcome our new Lyonsgate Casa and Toddler students and their families to visit their new classrooms and meet their teachers on Friday, August 30. If you still need to select a visit time, please do so here: https://go.oncehub.com/2425MeettheTeacher. If you have already selected a time, you will have received an email from “OnceHub” with the details when you signed up (and please don’t hesitate to email us at admin@lyonsgate.ca if you are unsure).

When you come for your visit, please bring items that will stay at school like changes of clothes, sunscreen, diapers and wipes for our Toddler students, indoor shoes, and any nap items, if applicable, such as blankets and stuffed animals that will stay at school. Toddler parents, please also provide a 4X6 picture of your child and a 4X6 picture of your family. Also, PLEASE LABEL EVERYTHING!!

  • Information Updates: If anything has changed since registration, please visit your “Parent Form Portal” to let us know, especially if there is updated nap information for our Casa students. Please take a look to see what forms are available and use this portal (under your “Parents” tab) throughout the school year to let us know of any changes.
  • School Website: The school website, lyonsgate.ca, is your go-to source for up-to-date information. Please take a look for what is available under your “Parents” tab. [Please note: if you click on the “+Google Calendar” button at the bottom right of the calendar, you can add it to your own calendar].
  • After School Care: After care is available for Toddler students from 3:30-4:00, for Casa students from 4:00-4:30, and for Elementary students from 3:30-4:30. There is $100/month fee for After School Care. If you need to register for after care, limited spaces are available on a first-come, first-served basis. If you believe you may have registered but are unsure, please email admin@lyonsgate.ca to check before registering again. You can register at:
  • Transparent Classroom: Families new to Lyonsgate this year will have received an email invite to join Transparent Classroom, the app we use to share photos of your child at work in the classroom, and short messages from their teacher. If you did not receive an invite email, please let us know. Existing Lyonsgate families will have received an invite if you provided a new or different email address on this year’s registration form. Please let us know if you have any questions or issues.