Good Morning Lyonsgate Families,
We had some snow, finally, for your Lyonsgate Montessori kids to play with last week. It was great to finally be able to put the winter materials to use outside at the Primary campus, and there was a lot of shoveling and building during recess.
This Friday, Jan. 24, is a PD Day and both Lyonsgate campuses will be closed.
Free Piano: the Primary campus building has a piano that is free for the taking to anyone able to move it; please let us know if your family would like to own it:
Please click the links below for updates from your children’s levels and for recent photos at Lyonsgate:

Hello Toddler Families,
Last week, we had some beautiful brightness in our classroom with our floral arrangement work; this activity is always a favourite! Filling up the water pitcher, slowly pouring the water into a chosen vase, picking the right size flower and, finally, the child finding just the right spot in the classroom to display the bouquet. This activity aids in the development of hand-eye coordination, refinement of fine motor skills, and logical sequencing. Flower arranging provides a sense of joy when taking care of and beautifying our environment. A pop of colour and fresh scent is always welcome during the winter months… a reminder of brighter, warmer days ahead!
Vanessa Findlay.
Click to view and/or sign up for Toddler flower contributions

The Casa students were very excited to see the snow last week and to finally be able to put their snowsuits to their intended use, rather than just staying warm (although that may be the priority this week!). Unfortunately, by the end of the week the snowsuits were also used to stay dry as the remaining snow turned to slush and puddles. We try to run as much wet stuff as we can through the dryer at the school in between outdoor periods. Please remember to label everything — hats, mitts & gloves, neckwarmers, boots, snowpants, and snowsuits.
Getting outside every day is an essential part of the school days at Lyonsgate. The fresh air, free play, and activity are great for all aspects of health, development, and learning. Even though we only had a dusting of snow by traditional Canadian standards, the amount of excitement and creativity from the children as they shoveled, imagined, and built was a joy to witness. We hope the temperature lets us back outside towards the end of this week, and we’ve all got our fingers crossed for more snow when we get there.
Click to book a parent observation in: Casa North | Casa South
Click to view and/or sign up for flower contributions in: Casa North | Casa South

The Elementary class was full of enthusiasm for math this week as students tackled operations, multiplication tables, rounding, square roots, and algebra! In history, some of the students were learning about the Viking voyages to the New World, while others were researching the cultural practices of the Mi’kmaq First Nation on the east coast. Many students were happy to continue their explorations in geography by hearing the “Story of the Elements,” labelling a diagram of a river, or learning about the lines of latitude and longitude. In French, some groups began preparing props and sets for their short, in-class plays, and rehearsing their lines with gusto. Despite the very chilly weather expected over the next few days, we wish you all a wonderful week ahead.
Marissa and Michelle.
(with photos by Harrison, Abby, and Marissa.)
P.E. at Elev8 Dance: Thursday, January 23
All elementary students will travel to Elev8 Dance during the afternoon work cycle for indoor P.E. Students are kindly reminded to wear their red Lyonsgate t-shirt for this outing.
P.D. Day: Friday, January 24
While the students enjoy an extra-long weekend, the Elementary team will be attending morning workshops on supporting diverse learners in Montessori classrooms, and working to prepare new materials for the children in the afternoon.
Community Outing: WEDNESDAY, February 5
Due to our P.E. schedule with Elev8 Dance through the month of January, the first upper Elementary community outing of the new year will take place on the morning of Wednesday, February 5. Students in years 4-6 will be traveling by public transit to visit the McMaster Museum of Art for a morning workshop.