Hello Lyonsgate Families,

Welcome to the winter term, and a serious blast of winter temperatures!

We have welcomed some new students to both of the Casa, and to the Toddler, classrooms to start the new year, and our Elementary students have begun their next winter phys. ed. experience at Elev8 Dance.

The winter term is a short term that leads into the March Break, and there are a few dates to be aware of:

  • Friday, January 24, is a PD Day and both Lyonsgate campuses will be closed.
  • Monday, February 17, is the Family Day statutory holiday and both Lyonsgate campuses will be closed.
  • Friday, February 28, is a PD Day and both Lyonsgate campuses will be closed.

Please click the links below for updates from your children’s levels and for recent photos at Lyonsgate:




Photo Gallery


Lyonsgate Montessori Toddler students were excited to welcome new friends to their classroom and show them all of the activities this past week.
Lyonsgate Montessori Toddler students were excited to welcome new friends to their classroom and show them all of the activities this past week.

Hello Toddler Families,

The past week has been a busy one as we return to the familiar routine of school and friends. We have welcomed two new children to our classroom and with them many changes. Much like when a new sibling joins a family, there is a period of adjustment. Our new students require extra time and care as they explore their new environment, as they get to know everyone, and as we get to know them. In such a short time, we have already begun to see our second year students take on roles of leadership as they show empathy and kindness to our new students. We have seen smiles and waves as introductions have been made. We have seen an upset student receive a gentle back rub and a tissue given to a runny-nosed friend in need. We stand in awe of their capacity to learn and love, and look forward to a fantastic 2025 because of it!

Vanessa Findlay.

Click to view and/or sign up for Toddler flower contributions


Lyonsgate Montessori Casa student lacing, a fun fine motor skill development activity.
Lyonsgate Montessori Casa student lacing, a fun fine motor skill development activity.

We hope everyone had a great holiday and restful two weeks. It has been great to hear all the stories from your children of the fun things they did over the break. So many of the children have grown over the two weeks!

The children have seamlessly fallen back into our daily routines, busying themselves with their work and connecting again with their peers. As we start our winter term, we are looking forward to seeing your children grow and learn more throughout. A reminder to sign up to contribute to bringing in flowers for the classroom if you haven’t already. See the link below. Thank you.

The Casa team.

Click to book a parent observation in: Casa North | Casa South

Click to view and/or sign up for flower contributions in: Casa North | Casa South


Lyonsgate Montessori Elementary students at their new winter phys. ed. experience at Elev8 dance.
Lyonsgate Montessori Elementary students at their new winter phys. ed. experience at Elev8 dance.

The students had a great return to school last week, diving enthusiastically into familiar routines and new topics. In geometry, students worked to apply their knowledge of specific terms, following written directions to create radial symmetry in paper snowflakes or to construct an eight-pointed star for use in simple patterns or tessellations. Others returned to delightfully messy lessons in physical geography, using a large model to identify the parts of a river, and demonstrate how its flow carves through the land while carrying sediments. Despite the extremely cold weather, the students were excited to walk to Elev8 Dance for their first class of the month. They had a fabulous time working with Mr. Chris and Ms. Mara on fun and physical challenges of balance, rhythm, and form. From butterfly knees and tippy-toe runs to spotting when spinning and precise pliés, every movement led to big smiles and lots of laughter.

Wishing you all a lovely week ahead,

Marissa and Michelle.

(photographs by Abby, Harrison, and Marissa)

Thursday, January 16: P.E. at Elev8 Dance

All Elementary students will travel to Elev8 Dance, with the children breaking into two groups for their classes. Students are kindly reminded to include their red, Lyonsgate t-shirt as part of their clothing layers.

Friday, January 17: Scholastic Book Orders Due

Last week, your child brought home the most recent Scholastic book flyer, offering discounts on books for families and encouraging a love of reading. To have your books shipped for free to the school, please include the class code “RC 144312” (written on the front of each flyer) with your online order. If there are any surprise or gift items in your order you would like to be kept hidden from your child, please let us know and we’ll set it aside for you to pick up. With every order placed using our class code, we earn “bonus bucks” for the classroom that help replenish our art supplies and add new titles to our classroom library. Please submit your online order by Friday, January 17, to be included in our next shipment.

Friday, January 17: O.W.L. Workshop 4, Part 2

Students in Years 4–6 should prepare for the second part of the O.W.L. workshop on Changes of Puberty by completing the required readings listed at the bottom of HomeLink #3.

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