Good Morning Lyonsgate Families,

Well, that was a cold week. We all spent a lot of time indoors and were very happy to get back outside, and just in time for the Elementary students’ walk to their ongoing winter phys. ed. dance classes at Elev8 Dance.

Staff Update: Lyonsgate is bidding a fond farewell to Ms. Duhig and her family as they move at the end of this month.  Not only will we miss Ms. Duhig on staff, and her ability to help wherever and whenever needed, but we will also miss her three wonderful children who have become valued members of our community.  We wish them all the best in their new adventures.

Ms. Carly Sella will be taking on the Support Role at Lyonsgate.  We look forward to you and your family getting to know her better in the months to come.

Missing Materials: Many Montessori classroom materials consist of small, attractive objects that are intentionally appealing to children. If you find any “mysterious objects” in your child’s possession, please return them to school. Casa South is presently missing a cube from their Pink Tower material:

A Montessori Pink Tower cube.
A Montessori Pink Tower cube.

Please click the links below for updates from your children’s levels and for recent photos at Lyonsgate:




Photo Gallery


Just one of many great moments in the Lyonsgate Montessori Toddler classroom.
Just one of many great moments in the Lyonsgate Montessori Toddler classroom.

Hello Toddler Families,

During last week, we had a lot of indoor play due to extreme cold weather. Our toddlers have really enjoyed shaking their silly’s out through dance movements and music, using balance technique by climbing through the tunnel, and learning about distance through ring toss. In our classroom work cycle, our toddlers are still enjoying smelling and exploring flowers and plants. The children are learning about different textures by exploring the flowers from petals to the stem. They are also touching our different plants’ leaves to see how they feel. This activity enhances their 5 senses! Just a reminder please label all your child’s clothing. Thank you.


Click to view and/or sign up for Toddler flower contributions


Lyonsgate Montessori Casa student using the Montessori Moveable Alphabet material to spell words in French.
Lyonsgate Montessori Casa student using the Montessori Moveable Alphabet material to spell words in French.

Chers Parents,

We experienced some very cold weather last week and the Casa North students were learning the names of different items of clothing en français. (Don’t forget the water bottle — “N’oubliez pas la bouteille d’eau”). The third year students are working on different vocabulary of words that sound similar, but mean different things (ex. manteau, mouton, et menton — jacket, sheep, chin.

We have also been working on different phrases:

  1. je m’apelle, je suis {une fille | un garçon}, j’ai 5 ans (age), j’habite à Hamilton.
  2. je m’apelle (name), j’ai une maman, un papa, une soeur (sister), un frère (brother), une grand-mère, un grand-père [family members], et un chien, un chat, un serpent, etc.

We have also been reading the book, A Family is a Family, to learn about different types of family structures in French.

The songs we have been singing recently include:

  • “Un éléphant”
  • “Une souris verte” (“Little Green Mouse,” and a related craft will be coming home soon).

    Lyonsgate Montessori Casa student completing a French activity based on a song they have been singing.
    Lyonsgate Montessori Casa student completing a French activity based on a song they have been singing.

Bonne semaine à vous,

Mme Murati.

Click to book a parent observation in: Casa North | Casa South

Click to view and/or sign up for flower contributions in: Casa North | Casa South


Lyonsgate Montessori Elementary students extracting the square root of 9,999 with the Montessori Golden Beads material.
Lyonsgate Montessori Elementary students extracting the square root of 9,999 with the Montessori Golden Beads material.

P.E. at Elev8 Dance: Thursday, January 30

All elementary students will travel to Elev8 Dance during the afternoon work cycle for indoor P.E. Students are kindly reminded to remember their red Lyonsgate t-shirts for their last dance session this term.

Community Outing: Wednesday, February 5

The first Upper Elementary community outing of the new year will take place on the morning of Wednesday, February 5. Students in years 4-6 will be traveling by public transit to visit the McMaster Museum of Art for a morning workshop. Students are reminded to wear their red Lyonsgate t-shirt and to bring either their Presto card or cash bus fare.

Parent Education Event: Thursday, February 6, 3:30-4:15 p.m.

Parents are invited to join Elementary guides Michelle and Marissa for a discussion of “Montessori Outcomes: The Lasting Gifts of a Holistic Education.” At our gathering, we will discuss the science of Montessori and how through personalized instruction and non-traditional assessment, students develop enduring traits such as curiosity, self-motivation, and a life-long love of learning.

Please email with how many adults are planning to attend, and whether you require Casa or Elementary child care that day, by Tuesday, February 4. We look forward to seeing you soon!

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