Lyonsgate Update Jan. 7 2022: COVID and Other Info

Hello Lyonsgate Families,

Well, that was an eventful first week back!

Thank you all for all of your patience and cooperation as we returned, or did not return, to school amid a myriad of changing protocols, requirements, and closure.

There’s been a lot lately so I’ll try to keep this brief:

Screening Forms

The updated screening forms were released Thursday evening. You will find the updated Lyonsgate screening forms on the Home page at . Every student and staff member must submit a screening form each day before arriving at school and your screening form submission must be verified by a Lyonsgate staff member.

Symptoms such as runny nose, headache, and sore throat have been placed back on the screening forms. There are two groups of symptoms. If a student or staff has one of fever, cough, shortness of breath, or loss of taste or smell they must isolate for 5 days, as well as all household members. If a student or staff has ONE of the symptoms in group 2 they must stay home until improving for 24 hours; if they have TWO or more group 2 symptoms they must isolate for 5 days, as well as all household members.

You can run through the screening forms and try the different scenarios to see what the full guidance/requirements are (try to remember not to hit “Submit” if just testing/viewing).

N95 Masks

N95 masks for staff arrived on Thursday and are being worn by staff members while indoors. Staff are wearing surgical/procedure masks outdoors as they need to be disposed of afterwards. We have heard nothing further about the 3-ply cloth masks for students.

Ventilation and Filtering

Each classroom has a HEPA filter unit and the filters have been cleaned (and new filters are on the way even though they are currently well within the valid range). Every classroom also has open windows with fans to maintain constant air exchange. Consequently, it is cooler in the classrooms so a warm sweater and/or layers are required.

More to Come

Communication we have received indicates that more information and details are coming about things such as case and contact management, and probably a few other surprises, why not.

Please Try Not to be Late

Staggered drop offs and pick ups remain very important to keep the cohorts separate, and to maintain the integrity of the Montessori work cycles for both your own child and the rest of the class.

Toddler students can be dropped off between 8:00-9:00 and continue to use the parking lot door. Their pick-up period is 3:00-3:30.

Casa North students must be dropped off between 8:00-8:30 and picked up between 3:30-4:00.

Casa South students must be dropped off between 8:30-9:00 and picked up between 4:00-4:30.

If you are going to be late, please contact us at 905-525-4283 or at

Thank you.


Our Elementary students began their online learning this week. We are prepared if the closure goes beyond Jan. 17. Thank you to all of our Elementary families for your great transition to the online environment.

Also, thank you from Marissa and Michelle:

Happy New Year!

We are excited to be back together again, even if it is for a period of learning from home. We hope everyone was able to get set up online and at-home this week, and enjoyed their culture lessons on aquatic reptiles, like the mosasaurs, or the complex systems that coordinate the human body.

We are also thrilled to report, with gratitude for the hard work and enthusiasm of our students, families, and local businesses, that the Elementary students were able to assemble twenty-six complete shoebox gift packages for women in Hamilton this holiday season! Thanks to the tremendous generosity of our community, additional donations were also made to The Salvation Army, Community Fridge, and the neighbourhood Period Pop-Up Pantry.

Overall, The Shoebox Project – Hamilton was able to distribute 292 shoebox packages, as well an additional 363 gift cards through seven local agencies. That’s 655 gifts! What a wonderful way to wrap up 2021.

Here’s to a happy and healthy 2022!

– Marissa and Michelle

Registration and Payment Period

Thank you to all of our families that are returning to Lyonsgate next year for submitting registration forms. We will have unfortunate news for most people on our wait lists as we are almost completely full for next year.

The initial payment for the 2022.2023 school year is due Friday, January 14. You can find the 2022.2023 tuition fees and schedule here:

Have a safe but wonderful weekend everyone.