Lyonsgate Updates — Boo! Oct. 30, 2020

Hello Lyonsgate Families,

The children are all very excited about Halloween, even if it may be a little different this year. However you are choosing to celebrate, or not, have fabulous family fun this weekend and we look forward to hearing all about sore candy tummies on Monday.

We have a few updates for you this week:

Return Attestation Form

Starting next week, when children are away from school due to illness, parents are required to complete a “Return Attestation” form. You can find it here, on the Home page at, and in the updated COVID-19 Supplemental Parent Handbook.

This is the same form used by the HWDSB and provided to us by Hamilton Public Health. It presents six different scenarios based on possibilities related to symptoms and testing and asks you to check the one that suits your child’s illness, the course of action taken, and confirms that all criteria for return are met.

Updated COVID-19 Supplemental Parent Handbook

This supplemental handbook contains all of the information you need to negotiate the various COVID-19 protocols and procedures. We have updated the information on daily screening, test booking, the Return Attestation form, what to do depending your child’s illness, and the two different sets of symptoms. All new information is in bold in the Table of Contents.

Find your COVID-19 Supplemental Parent Handbook here and on the Home page or under your Parents tab at

Lower Elementary Cohort Photos

The scheduled Elementary picture day was cancelled due to the inability to take photos outdoors. Unfortunately, we will not be able to reschedule an outdoor picture day this year.

But that’s ok! On the cancelled picture day, the Upper cohort students took it upon themselves to take pictures of each other in their photo day finery. They will be continuing this project on Monday, Nov. 2, for students in the Lower cohort. Feel free to break out the good clothes and comb the hair one more time. We will have digital photo files for you, from a student perspective.

Candy Reminder

Lyonsgate strives to provide nutritious lunches and snacks and our Nutrition Policy asks that items like candy are not sent to school in lunches or as extra treats. Good nutrition throughout the day is optimal for developing brains, and candy is often a significant distraction and cause for emotional discontent among other children. Thank you.

Fall Back

The hour goes back this weekend. Enjoy the extra hour of sleep (especially after Halloween!) and we’ll see you all on time on Monday morning.