Good Morning Lyonsgate Families,
This Friday, November 1, is a PD Day and both Lyonsgate campuses will be closed.
Somewhat fortunately, this PD Day falls on the day after Halloween. As a reminder from your Parent Handbook: “We know that Halloween is a very exciting time for children. However, we ask that costumes and candy are not brought to school, and are saved for after-school fun with family and friends.” Thank you.
Elementary families: see the Elementary section to sign up for a learning resource conference with Kim on the PD Day, if you still need to do so.
All Lyonsgate families: We are hosting a Parent Education event for all Lyonsgate parents on Thursday, November 7, from 3:30-4:15 at the Elementary campus on Locke St. It will cover Maria Montessori’s Second Plane of Development (the Elementary years). See the Casa and Elementary sections for more details and to RSVP.
Casa and Toddler families: Show & Share is coming up during the week of November 11-15. Show & Share is an opportunity for your children to invite you into their Montessori environment and demonstrate some of their favourite Montessori materials, activities, and work. It takes place at the end of the school day and sign up will be available next week.
See below for updates from your children’s Montessori levels, and for photos from the past week at Lyonsgate.

Good Morning Toddler Families!
The last week in Toddler we have had a lot happening! Earlier in the week we had the fire alarm go off! It was a false alarm but the children were excellent in getting out safely, quickly, and practising saying here or raising their hand outside for attendance! After going back in the children were thrilled to see the fire truck parked outside! It was an unexpected surprise but the children, as incredible as they are, adapted and got right back into their routine.
Later, on Thursday, we had the amazing opportunity to go to Brantwood Farms. Thank you for making the time to come out and spend the morning with us. It was such a pleasure to spend that time with you. At first the children were a little unsure of seeing their teachers in a different environment, something they aren’t use to. As the morning went on and the excitement of all the activities were happening it was beautiful to see the children enjoying themselves and to be a part of that. The children got the pleasure of picking out some apples and pumpkins, they played in different areas of the farm, and got to see some animals! We even got to see Mr. Ardrey stop an escaping goat! We really cherish the community here at Lyonsgate, so thank you for the part you play as our amazing parents!
Ms. Relic

We had a wonderful trip to Brantwood Farms. There were so many things to do! We all had the pleasure of picking apples to eat, corn to make into popcorn, and picking a pumpkin. The children learned that the cobs of corn they picked can be popped into popcorn, but they must wait two months for it to dry out and then it can be popped in the microwave. They learned that first it needs to be peeled like a banana and then left to dry and should be ready around the holidays to be popped. The children played on the playground, walked through the corn maze where they saw a lot of familiar scarecrows painted as familiar characters, went on a tractor ride, spotted some “treechers” (tree creatures), and got to meet some farm animals. Most of the children didn’t go home with many apples as they were eating them throughout the field trip. It was delightful to see the children experience how these food items start out before landing on our dinner tables.
The Casa Team.
Thursday, November 7: Parent Education Event at the Elementary Campus: Your Emerging Elementary Child 3:30-4:15 p.m.
Casa parents are invited to join Elementary guides Marissa and Michelle for a parent education event dedicated to exploring the transition from Casa to Elementary, and focusing on the theme of self-construction. This stage marks a pivotal moment in your child’s development where they begin to take greater ownership of their learning and identity. We will discuss how families can understand, celebrate, and support the coming changes in personality, communication, and independence as each child follows their own path through the second stage of childhood, regardless of where they go to school. This parent education event is open to all Casa parents who want to learn more about what to expect next! Casa students are welcome to stay for child care at the Primary Campus during the event. Please RSVP here with how many adults are planning to attend, and whether you require child care that day, by Tuesday, November 5.

Last week, senior students Charlie, Theo, and Colin hosted a successful baked goods and art sale, raising more than $200 for the Make-a-Wish Foundation! Thank you to all the families who supported their cause, and all the Elementary children who brought big appetites and lots of coins to the sale, as well as all the families who funded their shopping trip. We look forward to more community outreach endeavours from our students in the coming months!
Marissa and Michelle.
Thursday, October 31: Halloween Scavenger Hunt
The whole class will head outdoors on Thursday afternoon for a Halloween decoration scavenger hunt in the neighbourhood. All students will need their red Lyonsgate t-shirt for this class outing. Students are cheerfully reminded to save their costumes for after school, and to consume their candy at home!
Friday, November 1: P.D. Day/LRS-Parent Conferences
While the campus will be closed to students, staff will be on-site refreshing the classroom and preparing lessons for the rest of the term. Parents of students who routinely work with our learning resource specialist, Kim, are invited to schedule a parent-teacher conference with her that day. Child care is available on campus during your conference for elementary students and siblings.
Please click here to sign-up for a conference with Kim
Thursday, November 7: Parent Education Event: Your Emerging Elementary Child 3:30-4:15 p.m.
Join Marissa and Michelle for a parent education event dedicated to exploring the on-going transition of children through the Elementary program, and focusing on the theme of self-construction. This stage marks a pivotal moment in your child’s development, where they begin to take greater ownership of their learning and identity. We will discuss how families can understand, celebrate, and support the on-going changes in personality, communication, and independence as each child follows their own path through the second stage of childhood.
Please note, all Elementary students will be traveling to the HAAA that day at 3:20, ahead of the parent presentation. Elementary students whose families are attending the event will be included in the aftercare program (free of charge). These students will return to the Elementary campus by 4:30. All other students will be dismissed from the HAAA park between 3:30-3:45 p.m.