Good Morning Lyonsgate Families,
Year-end Parent-Teacher conferences are on Friday, June 7. Lyonsgate is closed to students on June 7, but childcare is available during your conference. Please see your update email to select a Parent-Teacher conference timeslot (some classrooms have a few after school timeslots earlier in the week).
See below for updates from your children’s Montessori levels, including a summary of last week’s Casa Parent Education event.

Hello Toddler Families,
This past week, we started to witness some of our older toddlers exhibiting signs that they are outgrowing the toddler room. The tables in the classroom have begun to be used as chairs with children casually sitting on the edge of the table to observe a presentation. The table height seems to be a more suitable height for sitting now. The sinks that all seemed to be the perfect height in September now have some of our toddlers stooping to wash their hands. One child was delighted to show me that he could reach the top of the fence outside on the playground!
In addition to physically outgrowing the toddler room, we can see that many are now more interested in collaborative play. They have begun to want to play together and use their imagination, mimicking things that they see out in the world, or replaying stories that they have been treated to in books or movies.
They surprise us every day with the things they say, things they are now able to do by themselves, and their ability to find ways to develop themselves.
Lately, we are watching children building their physical strength and coordination on the playground, chasing bubbles, climbing the fence to hang up their hat, jumping off the little ledges outside. Some children who could not leave the ground when they jumped can now suddenly do it!
Ms. Gervais.

Thank you to all the parents who were able to join us for the informative evening of learning about the Brain and Body Connection. It was incredible to hear how quickly infants’ brains develop. We learned that it is a use it or lose it situation. This is why Lyonsgate prides itself on the French aspect of our programming to ignite the brain and stimulate the language area of the brain. Waiting to introduce until an older age has scientifically been proven to impair the potential for growth. We learned that Maria Montessori was ahead of the science by encouraging a learning environment to engage the five senses of the human body. The brain and body connection is strong in a well-equipped Montessori class.
We also learned of the importance of crossing the midline — the strengthening of the body core (avoiding “W” sitting), the ability to cross arms, legs, and eyes across the vertical midline of the body. All these body motions allow the two sides of the brain to communicate and helps in the everyday functions of fluid movement, reading, and writing.
“The most difficult thing, as teachers know, is not to move. It is more difficult not to move than to move well; for this reason, children must have much practice in moving well and in controlling their motions before exercising the will to successfully inhibit every voluntary movement.” Maria Montessori, The Montessori Approach to Music, p. 23.
As we start seeing the beginning of summertime plans and the excitement that accompanies it, we wanted to share some ideas to promote crossing the midline, free play, and risky play:
– local parks
– splash pads
– local trail and hiking trails
– rainy day living room obstacle courses
– backyard obstacle courses
– climbing trees in the backyard
– camping both in the backyard and in the many Ontario parks
– Triple C farm
– Flying Squirrel
– Treetop Trekking
– and that is to name just a few….
– Think back to your childhood, what did you love to do?
On January 25, 2024, the Canadian Paediatric Society put out a statement:
“Free play is essential for children’s development and for their physical, mental, and social health. Opportunities to engage in outdoor free play — and risky play in particular — have declined significantly in recent years, in part because safety measures have sought to prevent all play-related injuries rather than focusing on serious and fatal injuries. Risky play is defined by thrilling and exciting forms of free play that involve uncertainty of outcome and possibility of physical injury.”
A final word on what to say instead of “Be Careful”:
– Do you feel safe and secure?
– Do you see your friends nearby?
– Do you see how high you are?
– Notice how… (slippery, hot, deep, etc. it is).
– How will you… (get across, over, down, etc.)?
– What is your plan?
Draw attention to things that could be risky without telling them, “Don’t do that. Stop. Be
Ms. Canessa.

Thursday, May 30: 6th Year Graduation Trip
Our classroom elders will be celebrating their graduation from Lyonsgate this year with a day trip to Toronto to visit the Royal Ontario Museum. Students attending the trip should arrive at the West Harbor GO Station between 8:45-9:00 a.m. to meet up with the group and be ready to board the Lakeshore West train to Toronto. Students will require their red Lyonsgate t-shirt, a Presto card to travel the GO and TTC transit systems, a small water bottle, as well as a packed lunch and snacks. We anticipate returning home on a mid-afternoon train, with student pick-up at the West Harbor GO Station at 4:15 p.m.
Monday, June 10: Cultural Fair
Elementary parents, siblings, and other chosen family members are invited to our Cultural Fair after school on Monday, June 10th. The Cultural Fair is our final open classroom of the year, with students showcasing their third term projects, literature circle work, and recent exploration of Ancient China. Families are welcome to visit the Cultural Fair anytime between 3:15-4:15 p.m. When you arrive, please enter through the porch entrance to the Maple Room to meet up with your child. Our regular aftercare program will still be available to registered students until 4:30.
Friday, June 14 to Saturday, June 15: Elementary Senior Sleepover
Students in Years 3-6 have the option to join Marissa and Michelle on campus for a Friday night sleepover! This will celebrate our third year students’ transition from lower to upper elementary, and all the privileges and responsibilities that come with being a senior student. For those students who wish to attend, we’ll be having a pizza dinner, followed by an evening of fun activities before settling into our sleeping bags for the night. We’ll enjoy a pancake breakfast on Saturday morning before heading home for the weekend. Please follow the link in your update email to sign up.
Upcoming Dates to Note:
Monday, May 27: French play costumes due
Friday, June 7: Parent-Teacher Conferences