Lyonsgate Update Feb. 4, 2022: French, Parent Ed., Public Health, & Planning

Hello Lyonsgate Families,

We hope you are all enjoying the unplanned long winter weekend. As you know, Lyonsgate follows the lead of the Hamilton Wentworth District School Board in announcing weather-related school closures. We do this to take advantage of the school board’s ability to assess the road and weather conditions across the whole of Hamilton and surrounding area. Lyonsgate students and staff travel from all parts of Hamilton, and beyond, so following the lead of HWSDB allows everyone’s safety to be accounted for and provides a consistent and timely means of declaring snow days.

This week, your children’s Casa and Toddler French language assistants are speaking about their French programs and the importance of second language learning.

We also have information about children’s COVID-19 vaccinations from Hamilton Public Health, information about upcoming Parent Education events, and after school care planning for next year.

Children’s COVID-19 Vaccine Information

Hamilton Public Health has asked us to share information about COVID vaccines for children ages 5-11. Please follow the links below to view the information materials from Public Health.

Age 5-11 Fact Sheet

Ministry of Health COVID-19 Vaccines for Children and Youth

Vaccine Ambassadors Contact Information (information and assistance in a variety of languages)

Webpage for Vaccine Clinic Schedules

As a reminder, Public Health is no longer reporting positive cases to us, so we are asking families to please let us know if you receive a positive test result on either a rapid test or a PCR test, if you are eligible to receive one. Reporting your test results is not mandatory, but if you are comfortable doing so it is presently the only way we can know. Thank you.

Kits of two rapid tests are available for Primary (Casa and Toddler) students who are symptomatic. If your child becomes sick at school the tests will be sent home with you when you pick up your child. If a child becomes sick at home and fails screening due to symptoms, you can pick up the rapid tests at the school. We have not received any additional information about the provision of rapid tests for students in the Elementary program.

Primary Parent Education

This month, your children’s Casa and Toddler guides will be offering Parent Education sessions on Thursday, Feb. 17.

  • The Toddler session will take place via Zoom from 4:00-5:00.
  • The Casa session will take place via Zoom from 5:00-6:00.

Zoom links will be sent by your child’s Montessori guide.

After School Care Planning for Next Year

Due to COVID restrictions we have not been able to offer after school care at the Primary campus for the past two school years. While we are hoping for better circumstances by September (and throughout the next school year) we are planning to offer after school care until 4:30 for Casa students using a cohort-separated outdoor space and a cohort-divided indoor space for rainy days. After school care is not available for Toddler students.

Space will be limited and registration will be required. After school care will have a cost of $100/month. A registration form will be made available once all details have been confirmed.

After school care at the Elementary campus will continue as a single cohort. Registration and an additional fee will also be required for limited spots.


Hello Toddler Families,

The second half of the year is in full swing and we are seeing some major leaps and bounds from the children. All of the absorbing they did throughout the first half of the year is now being activated in the classroom.

I want to briefly explain the importance of acquisition of a second language as research shows that the sensitive period for spoken language is between seven months and three years and that the younger a child is the easier and quicker it is for them to learn another language. This not only helps with brain development it also helps to deepen their connections to the outside world and to other cultures, which in turn promotes …you guessed it: INDEPENDENCE!

With regards to inside our classroom, the children are beginning to make connections between things they see and use, we have a small activity that includes items they see at home and at school, such as: tables and chairs, mirrors, toilets, sinks, etc. We are also using repetition and allowing children to hear both the French and English spoken word, for example, washroom (Toilettes) library (Bibliothèque), washing hands (Se laver les mains).

Learning a second language is such a beautiful way to communicate, enhance a child’s environment, development, and right now is the perfect time for it! — Mme Craigie.

Casa North

As you know, learning a second language is important for the development of the brain. “Apprendre le Francais” or another language as a second language pushes you brain to get familiar with new grammar and vocabulary.

In our classroom, we play different games, such as:

“Ou est?” (“Where is?”), that helps make a connection between a new word and the object it represents.

“Est ce que tu peux m’apporter…” (Can you bring me…), for example:
…10 different things that are red in our classroom (exploration of the Math and Sensorial areas).
…the flag of Canada (exploration of the Culture area).

“Est-ce que tu peux trouver…” (Can you find…), for example:
…a friend/name and tell them to work together with the numbers in French.

“Est-ce wue tu peux lire les étiquettes…” (Can you read the labels…), which involves reading a label and associating the word with an object.

Our third year Casa students are learning about doing a survey and asking other students and adults questions such as “Do you like bananas/strawberries, birds/fish, red/purple?” etc. A student wanted to start a survey and came to ask me what question we could ask. I suggested, “French or English?” The student looked at me and said, “They will all say English!” I just smiled. A few minutes later the student came back and said “Look Madame, look… lots of people said that they like French!” This reinforced that it can be fun to learn new words, new songs, new stories, and to connect to other people with different words.

Bonne fin de semaine, Restez au chaud! — Mme Furati.

Casa South

Bonjour et bonne année à vous tous!

Since our return in January, it’s been nice to hear the children share their special moments about the winter break. It always amazes me how they adjust so smoothly back to the routine of school.

Books are such great resources to help expand vocabulary, imagination, and knowledge. Your children are most welcome and are encouraged to bring in their French books from home. Sharing with friends brings such a sense of community to their learning.


Mme Perazzo