Long Weekend Update: Someone’s Getting Married
Have a great long weekend Lyonsgate families!
Lyonsgate is closed on Friday, Oct. 8 (PD Day) and on Monday, Oct. 11 (Thanksgiving holiday).
(Please find a message from Hamilton Public Health about safe gatherings attached to the email of this post)
A Couple of School Notes:
- No Parent Observations: parent observations were on the calendar for November; unfortunately, we have had confirmation from Hamilton Public Health that we will not be able to welcome parents into the classroom yet.
- Elementary Photo Day: Elementary school photos will be taken on Monday, Oct. 18. The photo-taking will take place outdoors so there is a rain date of Tuesday, Oct. 19. (Note: Primary campus photo day details to come).
New Names and Faces:
- New, Returning Elementary French Assistant: Anne Prat Kalonji, who previously worked as the Elementary French assistant, will be returning to that role at the Elementary campus when we return from the long weekend on Tuesday, Oct. 12. Welcome back Anne!
- Ms. Doherty has a New Name: Casa North’s Ms. Doherty is getting married this weekend! When we return to school on Tuesday congratulations are in order, and Ms. Doherty will now be known as Ms. O’Sullivan.
Thank you all for your diligence and care with the ongoing COVID protocols so far this year. Enjoy some much deserved time with your wonderful children and families this weekend, and we’ll see you on Tuesday, Oct. 12.