Happy Monday Lyonsgate Families,

Toddler and Casa Parent Education events take place this week:

  • Toddler Parent Education will focus on toilet learning and will take place on Wednesday, Oct. 9, from 3:30-4:15. We hope you can attend to learn more about your child’s Montessori experience. Please click here to RSVP if you are able to attend.
  • Casa Parent Education is entitled “Food for Thought” and will take place on Thursday, Oct. 10, from 3:30-4:15. If you are able to attend we’d love to welcome you; please click here to RSVP.
  • For Parent Education events, please enter via the glass foyer doors off the parking lot. Children are welcome to stay in after care.

[Note: the next Elementary Parent Education event is on Thursday, Oct. 17, from 3:30-4:15 at the Elementary campus; see the Elementary section below, or your Lyonsgate calendar for details.]

PD Day and Thanksgiving: this Friday, Oct. 11, is the first PD Day of the school year and both Lyonsgate campuses will be closed. The PD Day leads into the Thanksgiving long weekend and both Lyonsgate campuses will be closed on Monday, Oct. 14, for the Thanksgiving statutory holiday.

See below for updates from the Lyonsgate Montessori levels:




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Lyonsgate Montessori Toddler students enjoying a book together.
Lyonsgate Montessori Toddler students enjoying a book together.

We have had another busy week settling into our new environment and routines. As each day passes more progress is made!

In the classroom, we see a lot a feelings and emotions that all range from happy or sad, to frustrated or proud, and everything in between! We have been focusing on noticing feelings in one’s self, leading to an understanding that our feelings are valued in our community. Next, we see and start to value other friends’ feelings and emotions in the classroom! The children begin to recognize their feelings and emotions in themselves and others, leading to trust and bonds forming.

We have also seen children cheering themselves on with “I did it!” or others with “You did it!” We have seen friends concern and empathy towards friends who may be upset, asking “Are you okay?”

It’s pretty amazing to see the community in the classroom take shape!

Ms. Relic.


Lyonsgate Montessori Casa students building an exciting track during recess.
Lyonsgate Montessori Casa students building an exciting track during recess.

The Casa students, in their ever-observant, ever-aware way, were excited to see the new windows in their classrooms this morning. Coupled with the new HVAC system that was installed last year, we are all looking forward to comfortable classrooms as the weather starts to turn colder.

With the cooler weather and the extra layers, please remember to label every single article of clothing that comes into the school with your child. Things like coats, sweaters, hats, and mitts are shed over the course of the day as the cool, early fall mornings turn to warmer, lingering memories of summer in the afternoons.

We are excited to bring you our first Casa-specific Parent Education event this week on Thursday, Oct. 10, from 3:30-4:15. If you are able to attend we’d love to welcome you; please click here to RSVP. For Parent Education events, please enter via the glass foyer doors off the parking lot. Children are welcome to stay in after care.

The Casa Team.


Lyonsgate Montessori Elementary students researching Neanderthals with the Montessori history question charts.
Lyonsgate Montessori Elementary students researching Neanderthals with the Montessori history question charts.

Last week, in recognition of Orange Shirt Day, each Elementary student participated in lessons honouring the history and experiences of Indigenous peoples in Canada. While younger students heard the creation myth of Turtle Island, older students discussed what it means to be indigenous, or the concept of reconciliation. They were saddened to learn of the residential schools that failed to provide love and care to the children there, but eager to learn more about Indigenous people in our communities today. The children then turned their attention toward the beloved cross-country charity run at La Salle Park, where five Montessori schools come together for a fun day of outdoor races while also raising funds for the Red Cross Initiative for Indigenous Communities. The day was a great success, with wonderful moments of mentorship, perseverance, and beautiful sporting conduct in cheering for the athletes from every school, as well as our own Lyonsgate team.

Wishing you a lovely long weekend ahead, with gratitude.

Marissa and Michelle.

Parent Education Event: Thursday, October 17

Our next parent education event will be taking place after school on Thursday, October 17, from 3:30-4:15. Parents are invited to join Marissa and Michelle to learn more about our geography curriculum.

Please note, all Elementary students will be traveling to the HAAA that day at 3:20, ahead of the parent presentation.

Elementary students whose families are attending the parent education event will be included in the aftercare program (free of charge). These students will return to the Elementary campus by 4:30. All other students will be dismissed from the HAAA park between 3:30-3:45 p.m.

Please email elementary@lyonsgate.ca with how many adults are planning to attend, and whether you require Elementary or Casa child care that day, by Tuesday, October 15.

Upper Elementary Community Outing: Thursday, October 24

Students in years 4-6 will practice traveling by public bus up the mountain, and enjoying a fall hike down the escarpment. Students should be prepared with their red Lyonsgate t-shirt, their Presto card or bus fare, a water bottle, and are welcome to bring an additional nut-free snack to enjoy along the way.

Save-the-Date! Elementary Student Charity Bake Sale: Thursday, October 24

Senior students Charlie, Theo, and Colin will be hosting a charity bake sale on campus after school. Check your email next week for more details from the kids!

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