Hello Lyonsgate Families,
Both Lyonsgate campuses are closed this Friday, Dec. 8, for Parent-Teacher conferences. Please sign-up for a conference time slot if you haven’t already done so. The link to sign up was sent as a separate email on Friday, Dec. 1. (If you are unsure which class to sign up for, please contact us). Child care is available during your conference.
A few other notes:
- Please see the Elementary section for some important upcoming dates.
- Registration for the 2024.2025 school year will open this week. Look for a separate email soon.
- Winter weather is here! Please make sure your child has appropriate outerwear for the weather each day. Label everything!! Please try to avoid cloth/fabric/knit gloves and mittens when there is snow or wet conditions.
Hello Toddler Families,
It was really wonderful to see all of our families come out for Show and Share last week. It was interesting for us to observe the various reactions to having parents come and visit in the Toddler environment. There was so much enthusiasm, and sometimes a little confusion about what to do with their parents in the room.
As we move into colder weather, please remember to send your child to school with warm and cozy outdoor gear. Most weather can be tolerated and enjoyed if the appropriate clothing is available. We will be going outside everyday throughout the winter.
Going outside each day is an important part of our routine at school. If we find ourselves inside during excessively rainy days we make the best of it, but we all feel the difference.
Richard Louv has written a number of books about something he calls “nature deficit disorder.” He encourages parents and caregivers to make an effort to get children outside more so that they can reconnect with nature. It is essential for the physical, emotional, and spiritual well being of everyone, especially children. Going for walks in the woods can provide educational experiences that cannot be reproduced in the classroom. Richard Louv explains that as a species it seems that we have forgotten that we are part of nature and this disconnection between ourselves and the natural world has lead to a profound loneliness.
Last Child in the Woods: Saving our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder, by Richard Louv offers some excellent advice on how to incorporate more outdoor time into your child’s day.
Ms. Gervais.
Greetings from Casa,
This past week your children welcomed you into their classrooms to show you some of the work they currently enjoy doing; it was lovely to see all of you sharing this time together. This week, the guides will again welcome you to our classrooms for some adult conversation about some of the other work and development that has been going on this past term — not only what your child has been doing, but also how and possibly why they spend so much of their time at school polishing, counting, sorting, arguing, problem-solving, sounding out letters, and so much more.
This is also an important opportunity for us to listen to your observations and questions about your child’s development and growth. Communication between home and school is vital to understanding their needs and interests. This helps us as we provide a space where your child can meet these needs and follow their interests as they continue to grow. Although one term is coming to an end there are still many more months to come and much work/play to be done!
We’re looking forward to meeting with you later this week,
Ms. Robinson and Ms. Beach.
Monday, December 4 — Open Classroom
Please join us in the classroom after school on Monday, December 4 for our first open house of the year! Family members are welcome to arrive at the Elementary campus anytime between 3:15 – 4:15 to see displays of the children’s work from the first term. When arriving, please come up the front porch to the Maple Room door. The children will be happy to welcome you inside!
Wednesday, December 6 — Class Field Trip to W. J. McCallion Planetarium
All Elementary students will be travelling by chartered school bus to the W.J. McCallion Planetarium at McMaster University to learn more about our solar system. The field trip will take place during the morning work cycle, with students returning to campus for outdoor time and lunch. All students are reminded to wear their red Lyonsgate t-shirts for the trip!
Friday, December 8 — Parent-Teacher Conferences
Students will enjoy a P.A. day on Friday, while parent-teacher conferences take place. Please remember to sign-up for your conference time slot in advance. Child care is available for students while their parents are attending conferences.
from the Classroom Historians
“Fourth, fifth, and sixth graders are working on elements projects. Last Friday the third to sixth graders went rock-climbing. They were able to try new things like climbing with a harness and bouldering. The Fatty Legs literature circle wrote letters from Olemaun or made-up characters about their life at residential schools.”
“For the first snow of the season we have hot chocolate.”
“He is working on his elements project with nitrogen. He’s making a slideshow.”
Lellie and Georgia.