Hello Lyonsgate Families,
From May 1-4, parents of Casa and Toddler students have the opportunity to participate in Show & Share in your child’s classroom. Show & Share is an opportunity for Montessori students to invite their parents into the classrooms to show them some of the materials they work with. Please click here to select the day of your Show & Share visit.
The short week flew by, and it seems that we jumped from Easter to summer overnight! We have been taking advantage of the beautiful weather and getting extra time outside in the fresh air. One great thing about the warm weather is the opportunity to have our afternoon snack outdoors. It is always an adventure picnicking with the Toddler community and then enjoying some water-based activities on the playground. We love to paint the fence with water and brushes, and enjoy splashing and cooling off in the process. There is a small playhouse on the playground that the Casa children had decorated with chalk and the toddlers, never failing to see an opportunity, responded by promptly cleaning it off with their water and brushes. We are looking forward to more fun in the sun, but hoping the hot hot days hold off for a little while longer.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mr. Davis.
“Look what I found!”
Spring is my favourite time of year. The weather is warmer, and the students are excited to tell us of all the new things they see emerging from the ground, flying by their eyes, and smelling in the air. They are using their five senses to experience the world around them. They are building their independence to decide whether to wear a coat or not, to play in the shade or sun. They are showing us what they find interesting, yucky, comfortable, or irritating… they are showing us who they are & what they know.
As nature around us is changing & evolving, we, as teachers, are taking a moment to reflect on the growth in our little individuals. Our 3rd years have grown into leaders and helpers, and have developed the individual personalities that make them who they are. They are quickly approaching the significant milestone from Casa to Elementary or Primary, and are very confident in the foundations they have laid. The 2nd years are practicing and building upon those same leadership skills, their confidence with activities, and their social skills. The 1st years, who once welcomed the help of our 3rd years, show pride in their independence (their new talents of buttoning buttons, zipping zippers, getting ready faster and without help). They are now used to the classroom routine and the new world of 25 children to play with. These 1st years stand a little taller, more capable, and more confident to voice their needs; they no longer feel they are unable, but they feel the inner strength & desire to try.
All the children have transformed, and as teachers we celebrate these stepping stones & feel privileged to walk alongside them. They have found their voices, their helping hands, their sense of adventure, and we have a feeling of community that makes our classroom a fantastic, safe place to be.
The 3-year Casa program is so exceptional for this reason! Not just for your children, but for us, as educators; we are allotted the time to nurture them, have patience with them, and watch them grow! I, personally, have found my hope for the future in these little humans — I have no doubt they will move mountains!
Ms. Canessa (for our Casa teams)
Springtime on the Elementary campus leads to a renewed interest in biology and working in the garden! Through the botany curriculum, students learn about the basic needs of plants, as well as the physiology and function of the leaf, the stem, the root, and the seed. Following this early work, they practice caring for a variety of plants throughout the classroom, sprout seedlings, conduct experiments and sketch their observations, and explore the history and evolution of plants through the Timeline of Life. As students learn about the important interactions between plants and other aspects of their environment, they discover how distinct biomes support different webs of interdependent life. Members of the Year 4 cohort are currently researching different biomes and how animal species have adapted to succeed in conditions such as freshwater or saltwater, coastal habitats, woodlands, rainforests, or deserts. As students develop their research and reporting skills, they may need to go out of the classroom to seek out new resources and experiences. Many students were excited to see two senior students plan an independent “going out” to the Royal Botanical Gardens during the school day to gather research from the recent Frogs! exhibit. This type of “going out” opportunity encourages initiative, requires self-discipline and responsibility, and promotes a sense of independence, capability, and confidence.
Camp registration is open for this coming July and we encourage interested families to sign up soon. While each week of camp has a specific theme with different activities for campers attending both sessions, both sessions include a variety of classic camp activities, waterplay, and can be adapted to the interests of the campers. Please click here to register for summer camp! Payment can be made to accounts@lyonsgate.ca
Week 1: July 10- 14 Art Explorers: Draw, Sculpt, Shoot!
Work with a variety of mediums, photography and video equipment to create a short movie. Clay, papier mache, and underwater filming are just a few things we have planned for this week!
Week 2: July 17 – 21 Around the World: Exploring the Seven Continents
Gather stamps in your Montessori passport each day as we explore the seven continents. Learn how the Maori of Oceania dance the haka and cook over a hot rock pit, play outdoor games from Bangladesh and India, and try art techniques from Ghana, Nigeria, and Tanzania.
Wishing you a happy week ahead,
Marissa and Michelle.
LRS Conferences
The Elementary campus has a PD day on Friday, April 28. [The Primary campus for Casa and Toddler students will be open]. If you received a report from the Elementary Learning Resource Specialist, Kim Fiocca, please schedule a 30 minute conference for that day. Conferences are in-person, with child care available during the conference, but they can be held on Zoom by family request. Please click here to book an LRS conference with Kim.