Hello Lyonsgate Families,
Casa & Toddler parents, Show & Share is taking place this week. If you haven’t selected a day to visit yet please click here to do so.
Parents of 3rd-year Casa students, please see the Elementary update for details of an Elementary Program Information Session in December.
Parent-Teacher conferences at both the Primary and Elementary campuses are on Friday, Dec. 2. Please click here if you still need to select a time slot.
Please see below for updates from your children’s Montessori classrooms.
This week in the toddler community we are gearing up for the cold weather. There are so many little items now, mittens, hats and neck cozies.
Please label everything to avoid confusion. Mabels Labels are company that started right here in Hamilton. You can purchase customizable labels for all your child’s clothing that will stay on even after going through the washing machine.
Please consult the weather report and send appropriate gear! This will give us more opportunities to practice dressing and undressing. Try to build in a few extra minutes at home to allow for your child to work towards mastery of these independence skills. We use the coat flip or “flip flop over the top” to put on coats. Place the hood or collar of the coat at the child’s feet, encourage them to place their hands into the arm holes and lift the coat up and flip it over their head while their arms slide into the sleeves. You can then help them start the zipper and let them zip it up the rest of the way. Allow them to participate in small ways at first, perhaps closing the velcro over their boots or finishing tasks. This will allow them to gain confidence in their abilities. Eventually they will be able to dress themselves independently with pride!

Next week we are looking forward to hosting our Show and Share. This is a great opportunity for your child to show you around the classroom and share some of their favourite activities with you.
Ms. Gervais, Mme Craigie, & Mr. Davis.
Hello Casa North Families,
Show & Share is this week! I would say that our team is busy preparing, but in actuality, it is the children who are getting ready to invite you into their world; it is them who chooses which work to show you, them who sets it up, and them providing the tour afterwards. We have very little to do with the direction each Show & Share takes (although we are excited to see it in action).
A big reminder that your child may choose to work with any material they’ve been shown, from any area of the classroom. This means they may pour water, solve multiplication equations, or any spectrum of things in between — and we welcome whatever independent choice they have made!
We are inviting you into our room as an observer. Please do not try to guide or redirect your child; our staff is available to guide, as needed, so you can focus on taking everything in. Simply buckle up & enjoy the ride! We know you will be amazed by your child’s progress and confidence.
Please arrive on time to give your child the best chance to complete their chosen work for you.
Reminder to please sign up for a Parent/Teacher Conference time slot, if you have not done so already.
Ms. O’Sullivan, Mme. Murati & Ms. Canessa
Greetings from Casa South,
This week, we will welcome you inside our school Casa, or home. It’s an active, stimulating hub full of exploration with many lightbulb moments as well as slower waves of development.
Your child will greet and usher you into our room where they will have set up the activity they want to share with you. If there is still time after presenting you with this work, they may want to give you a tour of the classroom. While they will not be taking anything else off the shelves, they will no doubt be happy to point out a few other materials they enjoy working with.
We look forward to your visit and this opportunity for you to see your child at work in their Casa.
See you at the gate,
Ms. Robinson, Mme Perazzo, and Ms. Dewey
Last week, the students applied what they have learned about forces and structures to design and build a bridge. Each engineering team was given specific measurements and materials to create the strongest possible bridge. Younger students have been challenged to build their bridge using paper straws and tape, while older students are working with popsicle sticks and white glue. We are eager to test these structures soon!
Many students have been exploring poetry through our language lessons. Whether counting syllables in haikus or exploring the rhyme scheme of limericks, the children have been delighted by the different ways words can stir our imaginations. Several budding poets are now eagerly composing their own pieces! We’ve also been exploring the language of music, with some students learning to play, read, and write rhythms, using percussion instruments, four-beat cards, and popsicle sticks. Others were introduced to notes on the staff and learning the treble clef.
By far, the most popular event of last week was our annual tradition to mark the first snowfall of the season: stopping to enjoy a cup of hot chocolate and celebrate the wintry weather with friends.
We look forward to sharing some of our work with you this afternoon at our Open Classroom event! Family members are welcome to arrive anytime from 3:30 – 4:15 to tour the student displays. See you soon!
Marissa and Michelle.
Elementary Program Information Session: the Elementary campus is hosting an information session for parents of 3rd-year Casa students on Wednesday, Dec. 7, from 3:30-4:15. Please RSVP to elementary@lyonsgate.ca if you would like to attend. Child care for 3rd-year Casa students will be available at the Primary campus until 4:30 that day.